- Appearance
- Creative Arts
- Engineering
- Games
- Amiberry
- AstroMenace
- Celeste Classic
- Celeste64
- Chiaki
- DDNet
- Descent 1
- Descent 2
- Doom 3
- Friday Night Funkin' Rewritten
- Godot
- Heroes 2
- LineRider
- Marathon
- Minecraft Bedrock
- Minecraft Java GDLauncher
- Minecraft Java Prism Launcher
- Minecraft Java Server
- Minecraft Pi (Modded)
- Pac-Man
- PPSSPP (PSP emulator)
- Project OutFox
- PyChess
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon
- Steam Link
- Steam
- StepMania
- Tetris CLI
- Unciv
- WorldPainter
- Internet
- Internet/Browsers
- Internet/Communication
- Multimedia
- Office
- Programming
- System Management
- Terminals
- Tools
- AndroidBuddy
- AntiMicroX
- ckb-next
- Ducopanel
- FF Multi Converter
- Flameshot
- Geekbench 5
- Geekbench 6
- Https File Server
- Imager
- KeePassXC
- Linux Wifi Hotspot
- Monero GUI
- More RAM
- Nautilus
- Nemo
- Node.js
- PeaZip
- Pi-Apps Terminal Plugin (bash)
- PiGro
- PiSafe
- QR Code Reader
- Scrcpy
- Screenshot
- Snap Store
- Snapdrop
- TiLP
- tldr
- USBImager
- VeraCrypt
- VMware Horizon Client
- Windows Flasher
- Xfburn
- XMRig
- Tools/Emulation
Caskaydia Cove NF
nerdfonts.com - Original Font: Microsoft Corporation (https://github.com/microsoft/cascadia-code)
Patched font: Nerd Fonts (https://nerdfonts.com)
Pi-Apps installer: (https://github.com/libewa)
ARM32/ARM64 - 966 Users
A fun, new monospaced font that includes programming ligatures and is designed to enhance the modern look and feel of the Windows Terminal.
This font will be installed in /usr/local/share/fonts and will be available in most programs on next restart.
Color Emoji font
ARM32/ARM64 - 7,460 Users!
Installs two fonts to display all emojis in the Unicode Emoji 13.0.
This installs Noto Color Emoji font.
To test if it works, go to: https://tmh.conlang.org/emoji-language/all-emoji.html
Conky Rings
https://github.com/Botspot/rpi_conky/tree/master/conky_rings - phoenixbyrd for the files
ryanfortner for the scripts
Botspot for coloring the theme
ARM32/ARM64 - 6,418 Users!
Animated gauges and graphs of your system, on your desktop.
Displays system uptime, core-specific CPU usage, CPU speed, CPU temperature, top 5 processes by CPU usage, storage usage for boot and root partitions, RAM usage, SWAP usage, top 5 processes by RAM usage, and describes the current Linux environment.
ARM32/ARM64 - 29,609 Users!!
Monitors CPU, RAM, disk usage, and more.
This sits on your desktop, refreshing once a second, with pretty graphs showing you all you need to know.
To run: it should autostart on boot.
To run in a terminal: conky
Geany Dark Mode
https://github.com/codebrainz/geany-themes - Botspot. Oh yeah.
ARM32/ARM64 - 5,572 Users!
Proper appearance theme for the Geany text editor.
Geany's default color scheme looks horrible. Fortunately, this app will make it look good.
By default, this will apply the "spyder-dark" theme, (Botspot's favorite!), but it will also install many other themes to try out as well. To switch themes in Geany: View -> Change Color Scheme.
https://github.com/libredeb/lightpad - Installation Script Made By RPICoder
App Added To Pi-Apps by RPICoder
ARM32/ARM64 - 8,566 Users!
LightPad is a lightweight, simple and powerful application launcher.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> Lightpad
To run in a terminal: com.github.libredeb.lightpad
Oh My Posh
ohmyposh.dev - OhMyPosh by Jan De Dobbeleer. https://github.com/jandedobbeleer/oh-my-posh
Pi-Apps script by libewa (https://github.com/libewa) and theofficialgman (https://github.com/theofficialgman)
ARM32/ARM64 - 710 Users
The snappy and most customisable cross platform/shell prompt renderer.
The installer will automatically install the default profile ("jandedobbeleer") into /etc/bash_completion.d/oh-my-posh. To change this, see https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/installation/customize
You also need a compatible font like Cascaydia Cove.
Oomox Theme Designer
ARM32/ARM64 - 3,341 Users!
A tool to customize icons, xrdb and GTK themes.
Graphical application for generating different color variations of Oomox (Numix-based) and Materia (ex-Flat-Plat) themes (GTK2, GTK3, Cinnamon, GNOME, Openbox, Xfwm), Archdroid, Gnome-Color, Numix, Papirus and Suru++ icon themes.
You can apply your themes in lxappearance.
To run: Menu -> Graphics -> Oomox Theme Designer
To run in a terminal: oomox-gui
https://github.com/techcoder20/RPI-PowerlineShell-Installer.git - Installation Script Created By RPICoder
Added To Pi-Apps By Botspot
ARM32/ARM64 - 4,305 Users!
A beautiful and useful prompt generator for Bash, ZSH, Fish, and tcsh:
-Shows some important details about the git/svn/hg/fossil branch
-Changes color if the last command exited with a failure code
-If you're too deep into a directory tree, shortens the displayed path with an ellipsis
-Shows the current Python virtualenv environment
-It's easy to customize and extend.
https://ulauncher.io/ - RPiCoder on Discord recommended this.
Botspot made the scripts.
ARM32/ARM64 - 8,454 Users!
All-in-one application launcher, Google search engine, calculator, file manager...
This is the best app launcher I've ever seen, though it can be a bit slow when searching. - Botspot
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> Ulauncher
To run in a terminal: ulauncher
Windows Screensavers
https://github.com/Botspot/Screensavers - Botspot
ARM32/ARM64 - 3,227 Users!
14 Windows screensavers that run well on Raspberry Pi.
Once installed, you can launch Botspot's Screensavers GUI from:
Menu -> Preferences -> Windows Screensavers.
To run in terminal: ~/Screensavers/gui
Preview a screensaver, change its settings, and enable it to run after a specified duration of inactivity. The screensaver will not start while audio is playing.
Note: If you don't have Wine installed, this app will install it for you.
In addition to the Windows Screensavers, Botspot's Screensaver GUI also allows convenient installation of GPU-accelerated Xscreensaver, preset to enable the best ones out of 230 screensavers.
https://www.ratrabbit.nl/ratrabbit/xsnow/ - Thanks to Willem Vermin for developing this project.
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,160 Users!
This turns your desktop wallpaper into an animated winter wonderland!
Features falling snowflakes, flying birds, scenery like trees and deer, the moon, Santa, flapping birds, and more.
Over time, snow will begin to collect on the top of your windows.
To run: Menu -> Games -> xsnow
To run in terminal: xsnow
Creative Arts
https://github.com/JannisX11/blockbench - JannisX11 (GitHub) for creating the program
ARM32/ARM64 - 3,547 Users!
Blockbench is a free, modern model editor for low-poly and boxy models with pixel art textures. Models can be exported into standardized formats, to be shared, rendered, 3D-printed, or used in game engines. There are also multiple dedicated formats for Minecraft Java and Bedrock Edition with format-specific features.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> Blockbench
To run in a terminal: blockbench
Boxy SVG
https://boxy-svg.com/ - Botspot
ARM32/ARM64 - 4,810 Users!
Quick and streamlined vector graphics creator.
Boxy SVG is both simple but powerful, capable of whipping up a quick logo design in minutes or building the most sophisticated digital artwork. Unlike Inkscape or other Linux SVG editors, Boxy SVG uses Chromium's rendering engine for the SVG - the most complete and stable way for making your vector image appear as intended. It is easy to export to PNG, PDF, or numerous other image formats.
All Pi-Apps logos and Botspot branding is made using Boxy SVG, a free tool with an audience of millions.
To run: Menu -> Graphics -> Boxy SVG
To run in a terminal: boxy-svg
Dot Matrix
https://github.com/lainsce/dot-matrix - Thanks to:
- @lainsce (Lains) on GitHub, as well as all the other contributors for creating Dot Matrix!
- @Crilum on GitHub for creating the scripts and submitting the app to Pi-Apps.
ARM64 ONLY - 703 Users
The glyph playground of creativity from simple lines
Run from Menu: Menu -> Graphics -> Dot Matrix
Run from Terminal: flatpak run io.github.lainsce.DotMatrix
https://github.com/maoschanz/drawing - Botspot
ARM32/ARM64 - 4,463 Users!
Simple program used to hand-draw png images.
To run: Menu -> Graphics -> Drawing
To run in terminal: drawing
Note: This serves a different purpose than Microsoft Paint. If you want a Paint-style tool, install Kolourpaint:
sudo apt install kolourpaint
https://www.gimp.org/ - Made by The GIMP Team
Added to Pi-Apps by Lightstrike on Discord
Package app - 56,714 Users!!
Create images and edit photographs
GIMP stands for "GNU Image Manipulation Program".
Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist, GIMP provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job done. You can further enhance your productivity with GIMP thanks to many customization options and 3rd party plugins.
To run: Menu -> Graphics -> GNU Image Manipulation Program
To run in terminal: gimp
https://inkscape.org - 1Spinne in issue #1262
Package app - 15,879 Users!!
Popular free vector graphics editor
Whether you are an illustrator, designer, web designer or just someone who needs to create some vector imagery, Inkscape is for you!
- Flexible drawing tools
- Broad file format compatibility
- Powerful text tool
- Bezier and spiro curves
To run: Menu -> Graphics -> Inkscape
To run in a terminal: inkscape
Note: Also see the Boxy SVG tool.
https://apps.kde.org/kolourpaint/ - Botspot
Package app - 5,608 Users!
An easy-to-use paint program.
KolourPaint is a simple painting program to quickly create raster images. It is useful as a touch-up tool and simple image editing tasks.
- Support for drawing various shapes: lines, rectangles, rounded rectangles, ovals and polygons
- Curves, lines and text
- Colour picker
- Selections
- Rotation, monochrome, redaction and other advanced effects
To run: Menu -> Graphics -> Kolourpaint
To run in terminal: kolourpaint
ARM64 ONLY - 1,866 Users!
Krita is the full-featured digital art studio.
It is perfect for sketching and painting, and presents an end–to–end solution for creating digital painting files from scratch by masters.
Krita is a great choice for creating concept art, comics, textures for rendering and matte paintings. Krita supports many colorspaces like RGB and CMYK at 8 and 16 bits integer channels, as well as 16 and 32 bits floating point channels.
Have fun painting with the advanced brush engines, amazing filters and many handy features that make Krita enormously productive.
To run: Menu -> Games -> Krita
To run in a terminal: krita
Lego Digital Designer
https://github.com/Botspot/lego-digital-designer-rpi - Botspot
ARM32 ONLY - 3,342 Users!
Play with virtual Lego blocks and create your own plans!
This is Lego's official (discontinued) brick design program. With it, you can build your own sets within the editor and paint the pieces any color you wish.
Afterwards, you can generate step-by-step building plans and print them out. Or you could place your creation into a desert background and take a picture of it to share with friends.
This program runs extremely well on RPi. The only problem I (Botspot) could find was the sound effects don't work.
https://www.pinta-project.com/ - Botspot
Package app - 3,157 Users!
A powerful painting program including numberous adjustments, drawing tools, multiple layers, and a flexible interface.
To run: Menu -> Graphics -> Pinta
To run in a terminal: pinta
https://orama-interactive.itch.io/pixelorama - Emmanouil Papadeas for writing Pixelorama
theofficialgman for the installation script
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,803 Users!
Pixelorama is a free and open source pixel art editor, proudly created with the Godot Engine, by Orama Interactive.
Whether you want to make animated pixel art, game graphics, tiles and any kind of pixel art you want, Pixelorama has you covered with its variety of tools and features. Free to use for everyone, forever!
To run: Menu -> Graphics -> Pixelorama
To run in a terminal: pixelorama
https://shotwell-project.org/doc/html/ - Botspot
Package app - 44,808 Users!!
Organize, edit, and publish your photos.
To run: Menu -> Graphics -> Shotwell
To run in a terminal: shotwell
Bambu Studio
https://bambulab.com/en/download/studio - Botspot
ARM64 ONLY - 187 Users
Optimized 3D slicing software for BambuLab and other printers
This is based on PrusaSlicer, but brings project-based workflows, more features, and better default presets.
This will not render the 3D models as smoothly as Cura will, as it is a flatpak running under xwayland.
To run: Menu -> Graphics -> BambuStudio
To run in a terminal: flatpak run --command=entrypoint --file-forwarding com.bambulab.BambuStudio
ARM32/ARM64 - 12,370 Users!!
Takes a 3D model and slices it for use in a 3D printer.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> Ultimaker Cura
To run in a terminal: ~/Cura.AppImage
Eagle CAD
http://eagle.autodesk.com/eagle/software-versions/1 - Botspot made this app.
ARM32 ONLY - 2,591 Users!
Design printed circuit boards.
This is Eagle CAD's last 32-bit Linux release (7.7.0), emulated using Box86. Subsequent Eagle releases dropped 32-bit support.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> Eagle
To run in a terminal: eagle
https://fritzing.org/ - theofficialgman for writing the install script
ARM32/ARM64 - 3,942 Users!
The Fritzing application is an Electronic Design Automation software with a low entry barrier, suited for the needs of makers and hobbyists.
It offers a unique real-life "breadboard" view, and a parts library with many commonly used high-level components. Fritzing makes it very easy to communicate about circuits, as well as to turn them into PCB layouts ready for production.
To run: Menu -> Programming/Development -> Fritzing
To run in a terminal: Fritzing --parts $HOME/.local/share/fritzing/parts
https://www.kicad.org/ - Botspot
ARM32/ARM64 - 984 Users
Electronics Design Automation Suite - newer than what is available from APT
On PiOS Bookworm, this will install KiCAD 8.0.3, whereas only KiCad 6 is available from apt. KiCad 8 has a number of improvements over KiCad 6:
- Thousands of new footprints
- Easy importing of boards and libraries from other PCB designers
- Custom fonts
- Add graphics to the schematic or board
- Drag and drop
- Command line interface
- Smarter algorothms and crash reporting
- Much more at https://www.kicad.org/blog/2023/02/Version-7.0.0-Released/
To run: Menu -> Other -> KiCad
To run in a terminal: kicad
- If you are using PiOS Bullseye, only KiCad 5.1.9 is available from APT, but Pi-Apps will install KiCad 6.0.11 using bullseye-backports.
- If you are still on PiOS Buster or Ubuntu, Pi-Apps will install the default version available from the repositories.
https://librecad.org/ - @Jai-JAP for adding this app to pi-apps
Package app - 6,221 Users!
Open Source 2D-CAD
LibreCAD is a free Open Source CAD application for Windows, Apple and Linux. Support and documentation are free from our large, dedicated community of users, contributors and developers.
Documentation available at: https://dokuwiki.librecad.org/doku.php
To run: Menu -> Graphics -> LibreCAD
To run in a terminal: librecad
ARM64 ONLY - 4,823 Users!
LibrePCB is a free, cross-platform, easy-to-use electronic design automation suite to draw schematics and design printed circuit boards – for makers, students and professionals, from beginners to experts.
This software just lets you develop electronics the right way. No costs. No restrictions. No online account. No unnecessary complexity.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> LibrePCB
To run in a terminal: flatpak run --file-forwarding org.librepcb.LibrePCB
https://mattercontrol.com - Botspot and theofficialgman
ARM32/ARM64 - 1,782 Users!
MatterControl is an all-in-one program to create, edit, slice, and manage your 3D prints.
While not quite as popular as Cura or PrusaSlicer, this program offers features and supports printers that alternative programs don't.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> MatterControl
To run in a terminal: mattercontrol
Please note that when the window first opens that it will be black. Resizing or maximizing the window will solve this problem.
Mission Planner
https://ardupilot.org/planner/ - Botspot made this app.
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,041 Users!
Software used to control autonomous vehicles.
Mission Planner is a free, open-source ground station for communicating with autonomous aircraft, vehicles, or boats running Ardupilot firmware. It's used to monitor such vehicles, view logs, and create waypoint missions.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> Mission Planner
To run in a terminal: LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 mono ~/MissionPlanner-latest/MissionPlanner.exe
ARM32/ARM64 - 4,592 Users!
OpenSCAD is software for creating solid 3D CAD models.
Unlike most free software for creating 3D models, OpenSCAD does not focus on
the artistic aspects of 3D modelling but instead on the CAD aspects.
OpenSCAD is more suitable for creating 3D models of machine parts but
perhaps not when creating computer-animated movies.
OpenSCAD is not an interactive modeller. Instead OpenSCAD is something like
a 3D-compiler that reads in a script file that describes the object
and renders the 3D model from this script file. This gives designers
full control over the modelling process and enables them to easily
change any step in the modelling process or make designs that are
defined by configurable parameters.
To run: Menu -> Graphics -> OpenSCAD
To run in a terminal: OpenSCAD.AppImage
ARM32/ARM64 - 5,327 Users!
Takes a 3D model and slices it for use in a 3D printer.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> PrusaSlicer
To run in a terminal: MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.3 /opt/PrusaSlicer.AppImage
https://rosmodem.wordpress.com/ - Added to pi-apps by Eric Wiessner (KI7POL)
Special thanks: Sebastien "ptitSeb" Chevalier (box86/box64), Esme "madewokherd" Povirk (wine-mono functions),
MarcoDT (Artemis, early programming encouragement), Botspot / theofficialgman (Pi-Apps Wine installer),
everyone who's helped and inspired Winelink (OH8STN, K0SWE, KD2ROS, PE1RRR, LB4PJ, K7MHI, WH6AZ, KM4ACK, KR0SIV),
Pat team (LA5NTA, K0SWE), proof-of-concept Winlink on Linux guides (K6ETA, DCJ21), ARDOP devs (KN6KB, G8BPQ, KG4JJA),
those who got me interested in ham radio (N7ACW, AD7HE, KK6FVG), and everyone who tries to keep ham radio open source.
"My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together" - Nelson Mandela
ARM32/ARM64 - 96 Users
A shareware HF modem for amateur radio messaging.
VARA modems require a messaging app (such as Pat, Winlink Express, VarAC, or VARAChat), an amateur radio transceiver, and cables to connect audio and PTT control from your Pi to the transceiver.
Run from Menu: Menu -> Accessories -> VARA HF
Run from Terminal: wine "C:\VARA\VARA.exe"
This app runs with the help of Box86/Box64 and Wine.
https://github.com/midwan/amiberry/ - Program created by Dimitris Panokostas (midwan) on GitHub.
Debian packages created by @ryanfortner (GitHub)
Scripts created by @ryanfortner (GitHub)
ARM32/ARM64 - 4,987 Users!
Amiberry is a well-optimized, high-performance emulator for running Amiga games on low-power ARM boards like Raspberry Pi.
To run: Menu -> Games -> Amiberry
To run in a terminal: /opt/amiberry/amiberry
https://github.com/viewizard/astromenace - All contributer in github page
added to pi-apps by Painadath
ARM32/ARM64 - 6,168 Users!
Immerse into a decisive battle against tons of cunning foes, face the terrifying bosses and protect your homeland throughout 15 diverse levels of the game. The hardcore gameplay of AstroMenace, packed with pure non-stop action, will become a full scale test for your basic instinct of survival.
To run: Menu -> Games -> AstroMenace
To run in a terminal: ~/astromenace-master/astromenace
Celeste Classic
lemon32767 for the classic celeste port
theofficialgman for better controller support additions and the pi-apps script
Matt Thorson and Noel Berry for making the original game
ARM32/ARM64 - 3,809 Users!
This is a C source port of the original celeste (Celeste classic) for the PICO-8, designed to be portable.
This game can be played with controllers or with keyboard. The general mapping is found here: https://github.com/lemon32767/ccleste#controls
To run: Menu -> Games -> Celeste Classic
To run in a terminal: /usr/local/share/celeste/ccleste
https://maddymakesgamesinc.itch.io/celeste64 - Extremely OK Games
ARM32/ARM64 - 1,452 Users
Relive the magic of Celeste Mountain alongside Madeline in this small, heartfelt 3D platformer.
Created in a week(ish) by the Celeste team to celebrate the game’s sixth anniversary!
Controllers are recommended.
To run: Menu -> Games -> Celeste64
To run in a terminal: Celeste64
https://github.com/Fredrum/chiaki/wiki/Chiaki-for-the-Raspberry-Pi - Chiaki software implementation by Florian Märkl: https://github.com/thestr4ng3r
Raspberry Pi fork implementation by Blueroom VR: https://github.com/Fredrum
Added to Pi-Apps by Markieautarkie: https://github.com/Markieautarkie
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,499 Users!
Chiaki is a free and open source software client which enables PlayStation 4/5 remote play on the Raspberry Pi.
Chiaki wiki: https://git.sr.ht/~thestr4ng3r/chiaki
Pi fork wiki: https://github.com/Fredrum/chiaki/wiki/Chiaki-for-the-Raspberry-Pi
To run: Menu -> Games -> Chiaki
To run in a terminal: Chiaki/build/gui/chiaki
----- Usage -----
Once Chiaki is running, you can enter the settings menu (top right) to configure general/stream settings to your liking. Note that stream quality options are limited depending on your console. To connect and use a controller with Chiaki, please refer to the Pi fork wiki.
In most cases, Chiaki will automatically detect your console if it's turned on. Otherwise, you can add it manually by pressing the "+" icon (top right) and entering your console's IP address.
To finalize the registration, two more parameters need to be set.
PSN AccountID: In a terminal, enter "python3 Chiaki/psn-account-id.py" and follow the instructions.
Registration PIN:
On a PS4, go to: Settings -> Remote Play -> Add Device;
On a PS5, go to: Settings -> System -> Remote Play -> Link Device.
You can now double-click your console in Chiaki's main window to start remote play!
https://ddnet.org/ - Install Script made by Kolpix#1391
Thanks to Crilum on Github for helping
ARM32/ARM64 - 1,352 Users
DDRaceNetwork is a 2D cooperative platformer experience. Work together with up to 64 people and push your way through maps.
You will see the best and worst in your teammates when they save you from certain death or leave you behind in the dust.
We've developed DDNet for over 7 years now and made it greater than ever!
It has been free-to-play and free-to-win since development started and will always stay free.
It's also open source, so everyone is invited to help improve it with great new ideas!
To run: Menu -> Games -> DDnet
To run in a terminal: DDNet
If you want to host an online Server you have to activate Port Forwarding in your Router Settings.
You have to create a Port Forwarding with the protocol udp and the Port of your Server (standard is 8303)
Descent 1
ARM32 ONLY - 2,626 Users!
D1X-Rebirth - source port of Descent: First Strike from 1995
This package installs the shareware version, if you own the full game you can copy the game data to ~/.d1x-rebirth directory (replacing existing files).
To run: Menu -> Games -> Descent 1
To run in a terminal: ~/.d1x-rebirth/d1x-rebirth-rpi -hogdir ~/.d1x-rebirth
To exit: select "Quit" in the game's main menu.
Descent 2
ARM32 ONLY - 2,419 Users!
D2X-Rebirth - source port of Descent 2: Counterstrike from 1996
This package installs the shareware version, if you own the full game you can copy the game data to ~/.d2x-rebirth directory (replacing existing files).
To run: Menu -> Games -> Descent 2
To run in a terminal: ~/.d1x-rebirth/d1x-rebirth-rpi -hogdir ~/.d1x-rebirth
To exit: select "Quit" in the game's main menu.
Doom 3
https://github.com/techcoder20/RPIDoom3Installer.git - Script Created By RPI Coder
Added To Pi-Apps by Botspot
Nikolay Dubnov
ARM32/ARM64 - 23,011 Users!!
Doom 3 is a 2004 horror first-person shooter video game developed by id Software and published by Activision.
In this game a massive demonic invasion has overwhelmed the Union Aerospace Corporation's (UAC) Mars Research Facility, leaving only chaos and horror in its wake.
As one of only a few survivors, you must fight your way to hell and back against a horde of evil monsters.
To run: Menu -> Games -> Doom3Demo
To run in a terminal: cd ~/Doom3Demo ; ~/Doom3Demo/dhewm3
Friday Night Funkin' Rewritten
https://github.com/HTV04/funkin-rewritten - HTV04 For this Engine.
LOVE2D devs
AM7999#8935 For putting this up on Pi-Apps
And ninjamuffin99 for the original Friday Night Funkin' Game
ARM32/ARM64 - 3,471 Users!
Friday Night Funkin’ is a musical rhythm game where you compete in freestyle music battles.
The father of your girlfriend is always a pain, because no matter what you do, you may never be good enough for his daughter. In Friday Night Funkin, you are the "Boyfriend", and this cliché comes together in a colorful and musical mash. The fun of Friday and the stress of meeting your significant other's father will make your knees shake and your heart tingle.
This version is entirely re-written in an engine called LOVE2D
To run: Menu -> Games -> Friday Night Funkin' Rewritten
To run in terminal: love $HOME/.love_games/friday_night_funkin_rewritten/funkin-rewritten.love
As this game is still a work in progress, some settings (like setting fullscreen mode) can only be changed via an ini file: ~/.local/share/love/funkin-rewritten/settings.ini
https://github.com/hiulit/Unofficial-Godot-Engine-Raspberry-Pi - Credits to Irtexo for putting it on Pi-Apps.
Credits to Hiulit for porting it to the Raspberry Pi.
Credits to Juan Linietsky and Ariel Manzur for creating Godot Engine.
ARM32/ARM64 - 5,172 Users!
Open Source Game Engine that runs fine on the Raspberry Pi (for 2d games).
For the export instructions for Raspberry Pi, go to the website.
This software will only run on the Raspberry Pi 4/Raspberry Pi 400.
GLES2 projects are recommended.
To run from GUI: Menu -> Programming -> Godot
To run in a terminal: ~/Godot/godot_*-stable_rpi4_editor*
Heroes 2
ARM32 ONLY - 4,007 Users!
Free implementation of Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine.
This package installs the shareware version, if you own the full game you can copy the game data to ~/.fheroes2 directory (replacing existing files).
To run: Menu -> Games -> Free Heroes 2
To run in a terminal: ~/.fheroes2/fheroes2-rpi
https://github.com/Sussy-OS/LRA-Community-Edition - Sussy-OS (rb24#0032), Cycool, and theofficialgman for writing the install script Sussy-OS (rb24#0032) for making it work on linux, o7Moon for special features, and Boštjan Čadež for the original https://linerider.com game.
ARM32/ARM64 - 4,585 Users!
Draw a track for a sledder to ride on. Make it sync with music and share your work with friends!
This app, LineRider Community Edition, is a C# rewrite of the original flash game.
To run: Menu -> Games -> LineRider
To run in a terminal: linerider
To view other's creations, go to https://reddit.com/r/linerider or https://discord.gg/QWu6R5w
https://alephone.lhowon.org - Rak1ta on github for the install scripts
theofficialgman for tweaking them and adding them to pi-apps
The developers at https://github.com/Aleph-One-Marathon
ARM32/ARM64 - 1,990 Users!
Marathon, Marathon 2 and Marathon Infinity are single and online multiplayer old school 1st person shooter games.
Aleph One is the open source continuation of Bungie™’s Marathon® 2 game engine and played these games.
Many third party scenarios and net maps are also available. Available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.
This package includes the Marathon trilogy.
To run:
Menu -> Games -> Marathon, Marathon 2, or Marathon Infinity
To run in a terminal:
/usr/local/bin/alephone ~/AlephOneData/Marathon/
/usr/local/bin/alephone ~/AlephOneData/Marathon_2/
/usr/local/bin/alephone ~/AlephOneData/Marathon_Infinity/
Minecraft Bedrock
https://github.com/ChristopherHX/linux-packaging-scripts/releases/tag/appimage - Install script written by RaspberryPiNews on YT
Appimage made by ChristopherHX on Github
Program made by everyone at minecraft-linux on Github
ARM32/ARM64 - 31,548 Users!!
Unofficial launcher for Minecraft Bedrock edition
NOTE: For better performance and smooth FPS, we recommend an older Bedrock version like 1.16.40 as it doesn't contain renderdragon or RTX code.
∙ Sign in with a Google Play account with Minecraft purchased (if login does not work, close and re-open the application)
∙ Active comunity to ask for help
∙ FPS Counter mod
∙ And much more!
To run: Menu -> Games -> Minecraft Bedrock Launcher
To run in a terminal: GALLIUM_HUD=simple,fps ~/.local/bin/MCBedrock.AppImage
Minecraft Java GDLauncher
https://gdevs.io/ - theofficialgman
ARM32/ARM64 - 8,682 Users!
GDLauncher is simple, yet powerful Minecraft launcher with a strong focus on the user experience. This is a CUSTOM BUILD of GDLauncher for ARM32/ARM64 support.
The Open Source version of GDLauncher has been discontinued by upstream GorillaDevs as of January 2023. As such, this launcher will receieve no further updates.
Although GDLauncher is currently functional, all users are encouraged to use Minecraft Java Prism Launcher (https://pi-apps.io/install-app/install-minecraft-java-prism-launcher-on-raspberry-pi/).
GDLauncher is heavy (high RAM and CPU usage) due to being built on the Electron (Chromium) framework.
By comparison, Prism Launmcher is very lightweight and has all the missing features and more from below.
Features of the launcher:
- Microsoft, Mojang, and PC GamePass Account support
- Curseforge and FTB Mod and Modpack browser and updater
- Automatic Java 8/17 installation
- Fabric and Forge mod loading
Features NOT in this launcher (but available in Prism Launcher):
- Modrinth ATLauncher and Technic Mod and Modpack browser and updater
- Quilt mod loading
- Old Snapshots
NOTE: The use of performance enhancing mods is highly encouraged, such as optifine with Optifabric and Fabric/Forge or Sodium/Lithium/Starlight Fabric Mods.
To run: Menu -> Games -> GDLauncher
To run in a terminal: MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.3 gdlauncher
theofficialgman's custom meta repo is used for arm32 and arm64 native libraries. (https://github.com/theofficialgman/piston-meta-arm32 https://github.com/theofficialgman/piston-meta-arm64)
This supports all currently released versions of minecraft.
Note: GDLauncher GitHub/Discord does NOT support this CUSTOM BUILD, any issues should be directed to the Pi-Apps Discord or Pi-Apps GitHub issues.
Minecraft Java Prism Launcher
https://prismlauncher.org/ - Prism Launcher contributors: https://github.com/PrismLauncher/PrismLauncher/graphs/contributors
theofficialgman for packaging arm32/arm64 debs
ARM32/ARM64 - 10,123 Users!!
Prism Launcher is an Open Source Minecraft launcher with the ability to manage multiple instances, accounts and mods. Focused on user freedom and free redistributability.
Features of the launcher:
- Microsoft, Mojang, and PC GamePass Account support
- Curseforge Modrinth FTB ATLauncher and Technic Mod and Modpack browser and updater
- Automatic Java 8/17/21 installation (when available)
- Fabric, Forge, and Quilt mod loading
- Supports minecraft versions from the old beta/alphas and old snapshots all the way up the latest snapshots
Features NOT in this launcher (but available in others):
NOTE: The use of performance enhancing mods is highly encouraged, such as optifine with Optifabric and Fabric/Forge or Sodium/Lithium/Starlight Fabric Mods.
To run: Menu -> Games -> Prism Launcher
To run in a terminal: MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.3 prismlauncher
The Prism Launcher Wiki can be found here: https://prismlauncher.org/wiki/
Optifine alternatives: https://prismlauncher.org/wiki/getting-started/install-of-alternatives/
If you need help installing Optifine: https://prismlauncher.org/wiki/getting-started/installing-optifine/
Note: Prism Launcher officially supports Linux and MacOS ARM through community collaboration.
Minecraft Java Server
Thanks to:
Mojang for creating the Minecraft server.
theofficialgman who wrote the script
GYKGAMER for the initial idea/implementation
Crilum for bugtesting
ARM32/ARM64 - 9,034 Users!
This is a simple tool to create a Minecraft server: Vanilla, Fabric, Forge, Paper, and Purpur are supported
You can play over your local network (or you can create a port forward on your internet router/modem at port 25565 to play over the internet)
To run: Menu -> Games -> Minecraft Java Server
Attach to a server in the background with: screen -r Minecraft_Server
Detach from a running server session with: CTRL+A then D
To start from a terminal: sudo systemctl start minecraft-server
To stop the server: sudo systemctl stop minecraft-server
To start on automatically on boot and stop on shutdown: sudo systemctl enable minecraft-server
Refer to the ~/Minecraft-Java-Server/start-server.sh file if you need to add custom JVM arguements
Temurin (Adoptium) Java 8/17/21 apt repos are used in this installer for compatibility.
If you uninstall or update this app for whatever reason, your world, mod, and versions folder will remain in ~/Minecraft-Java-Server so there is no data loss.
Minecraft Pi (Modded)
https://discord.com/invite/aDqejQGMMy - Game mods made by TheBrokenRail#5376 on Discord
Ported to Pi-Apps by TheBrokenRail#5376 on Discord with a little help from Botspot.
ARM32/ARM64 - 53,903 Users!!
A modded version of Minecraft: Pi Edition with things like survival mode, multiplayer support, and more!
To open the game: Menu > Games > Minecraft Pi (Modded)
Need help? Consider asking on MCPI Modded's Discord server instead: https://discord.gg/3wXu3xtr
WASD to move
Mouse to look around
F1 key to hide HUD
F5 to switch to 3rd person view
To make a crafting table, press "E" and then go to the Craft menu in the upper left-hand corner. Click on what you want to craft, then click the big button with all of the stuff needed to craft the item to craft it.
Mouse scroll doesn't exist, you need to use your mouse to drag stuff like the crafting menu.
To run: Menu -> Games -> Minecraft Pi (Modded)
To run in a terminal: ~/.local/bin/com.thebrokenrail.MCPIRebornClient.AppImage
https://github.com/ebuc99/pacman - Pac-Man source code from ebuc99 on github https://github.com/ebuc99/pacman
ARM32/ARM64 - 13,965 Users!!
Pac-Man clone in SDL2 and C/C++
To run: Menu -> Games -> Pacman (SDL)
To run in a terminal: pacman_sdl
PPSSPP (PSP emulator)
http://ppsspp.org - theofficialgman
ARM32/ARM64 - 17,402 Users!!
A PSP emulator that can run PSP games in full HD and can upscale textures also.
To run: Menu > Games > PPSSPPSDL
To run in a terminal: PPSSPPSDL
Project OutFox
https://projectoutfox.com/ - Stepmania contributors: https://github.com/stepmania/stepmania/graphs/contributors
Project OutFox contributors: https://projectoutfox.com/about
ARM32/ARM64 - 843 Users
Project OutFox is a free BUT CLOSED SOURCE, cross-platform rhythm game. It is a fork of the OPEN SOURCE game, StepMania. It supports common key-based rhythm game formats (including 4-panel and 5-panel dance games among others), as well as keyboard and dance pad controllers.
It is customizable with user-made add-ons such as themes, and provides an integrated editor for creating your own simfiles.
Project OutFox only comes with a couple of songs, so you are expected to add your own content! There are multiple websites out there for hosting songpacks, here is one of them: https://search.stepmaniaonline.net/
There are also official Project OutFox packs here: https://projectoutfox.com/outfox-serenity
To run: Menu -> Games -> Project OutFox
To run in a terminal: ~/ProjectOutFox/*/OutFox
How to customize Project OutFox (adding songpacks, theming, etc):
Your User Data folder is where you place custom content (like songpacks):
http://www.pychess.org/ - Rak1ta
ARM32/ARM64 - 5,071 Users!
PyChess is a chess client for playing and analyzing chess games. It is intended to be usable both for those totally new to chess as well as advanced users who want to use a computer to further enhance their play.
When you get sick of playing computer players you can login to FICS (the Free Internet Chess Server) and play against people all over the world. PyChess has a built-in Timeseal client, so you won't lose clock time during a game due to lag. PyChess also has pre-move support, which means you can make (or start making) a move before your opponent has made their move.
PyChess has many other features including: - CECP and UCI chess engine support with customizable engine configurations - Polyglot opening book support - Hint and Spy move arrows.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> pychess
To run in terminal: pychess
Shattered Pixel Dungeon
https://shatteredpixel.com/ - Evan Debenham for his work on Shattered Pixel Dungeon and keeping it Open Source
Watabou for the original Pixel Dungeon and making it Open Source
ARM32/ARM64 - 4,188 Users!
Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a Roguelike Dungeon Crawler RPG with pixel art graphics.
Every game is a unique challenge, with four different playable characters, randomized levels and enemies, and hundreds of items to collect and use.
The game is simple to get into, but strategy is required if you want to win!
To run: Menu -> Games -> Shattered Pixel Dungeon
To run in a terminal: shattered-pixel-dungeon
Saves and configs are stored in: ~/.local/share/.shatteredpixel/shattered-pixel-dungeon
Steam Link
Package app - 9,874 Users!
The Steam Link app brings desktop gaming to your Raspberry Pi. Just pair a controller to your device, connect to a computer running Steam on the same local network, and start playing your existing Steam games.
To run: Menu -> Games -> Steam Link
To run in a terminal: steamlink
ARM64 ONLY - 28,386 Users!!
This emulates the Linux x86_64 version of Steam using Box86 and Box64.
In most cases, you WILL need to REBOOT before running Steam for the first time to prevent errors.
To run: Menu -> Games -> Steam
To run in a terminal: /usr/local/bin/steam
https://www.stepmania.com/ - Stepmania contributors: https://github.com/stepmania/stepmania/graphs/contributors
ARM32/ARM64 - 829 Users
StepMania is a free and open source, cross-platform rhythm game. It supports common key-based rhythm game formats (including 4-panel and 5-panel dance games among others), as well as keyboard and dance pad controllers.
It is customizable with user-made add-ons such as themes, and provides an integrated editor for creating your own simfiles.
Stepmania by default only comes with three songs, so you are expected to add your own content! There are multiple websites out there for hosting songpacks, here is one of them: https://search.stepmaniaonline.net/
To run: Menu -> Games -> Stepmania
To run in a terminal: /usr/local/stepmania-5.1/stepmania
How to customize stepmania (adding songpacks, theming, etc):
Your User Data folder is where you place custom content (like songpacks):
Tetris CLI
https://github.com/k-vernooy/tetris - DEB packages hosted by ryanfortner
ARM32/ARM64 - 8,599 Users!
ASCII/CLI rendition of the Tetris game.
As one of the most recognizable and influential video game brands in the world, it’s no wonder why there are hundreds of millions of Tetris products being played, worn, and enjoyed by fans in their everyday lives. For over thirty-five years, the game and brand have truly transcended the barriers of culture and language, resulting in a fun and exciting playing experience for everyone, everywhere!
To run: Menu -> Games -> Tetris CLI
To run in a terminal: tetris
https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv - Added by Md. Touhidur Rahman
Github: https://github.com/touhidurrr
Website: https://touhidur.xyz
Temurin Installation Script by theofficialgman
Github: https://github.com/theofficialgman
Enhanced Descriptions and Script Reviews by cycool29
Github: https://github.com/cycool29
Tested by Botspot
Github: https://github.com/Botspot
ARM32/ARM64 - 4,259 Users!
An open-source, mod-friendly Android+Desktop remake of Civ V
A reimplementation of the most famous civilization-building game ever—fast,
small, no ads, free forever!
Build your civilization, research technologies, expand your cities and
defeat your foes!
To run: Menu -> Games -> Unciv
To run in a terminal: ~/Unciv/Unciv.sh
https://www.worldpainter.net/ - Credits to Irtexo for creating the initial scripts.
Credits to the worldpainter creators : https://www.worldpainter.net/trac/wiki/Credits
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,675 Users!
WorldPainter is an interactive map generator for Minecraft.
It allows you to "paint" landscapes using similar tools as a regular paint program.
Sculpt and mould the terrain, paint materials, trees, snow and ice, etc. onto it, and much more.
To run: Menu -> Games -> WorldPainter
To run in a terminal: /opt/worldpainter/worldpainter
Angry IP scanner
https://angryip.org - @Itai-Nelken (GitHub)
@ryanfortner (GitHub)
ARM64 ONLY - 23,205 Users!!
Scans local networks as well as Internet
IP Range, Random or file in any format.
Exports results into many formats,
Extensible with many data fetchers,
Provides command-line interface,
Free and open-source.
To run: Angry IP Scanner
To run in a terminal: ipscan
Warning, using this improperly may get you in a lot of trouble. Be sure you're within legal limits.
https://github.com/Botspot/cloudbuddy - Botspot made, Botspot added.
ARM32/ARM64 - 7,945 Users!
CloudBuddy is the ultimate wizard for cloud storage. Google Drive, Onedrive, Dropbox, and many more.
Botspot made this gui frontend for the popular rclone tool to connect to your cloud drives, download from them, upload to them, mount them to your file manager, and more. In addition, CloudBuddy features an interactive file browser to easily generate shareable links and to perform various server-side operations.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> CloudBuddy
To run in terminal: ~/cloudbuddy/main.sh
https://www.deluge-torrent.org - Botspot
Package app - 8,944 Users!
Lightweight BitTorrent client
Use this to download torrent files from the Internet. For example, you can download a Torrent version of Raspberry Pi OS.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Deluge
To run in a terminal: deluge-gtk
Also see the Transmission app.
Note: Torrents can contain illegal material, like pirated movies or cracked games. You use Deluge at your own risk.
https://deskreen.com/ - Thanks to pavlobu and all contibuters for developing Deskreen.
Thanks to Crilum on GitHub for making the scripts.
Thanks to ryanfortner on GitHub for having and hosting the debs!
ARM32/ARM64 - 3,367 Users!
Share your screen to any device on the local network that has a web browser.
This is not a remote desktop, but a simple tool for making other devices show what is on your screen. Client devices can only view your screen - they cannot move the mouse or interact with your computer at all. Useful for whenever you want your screen to appear somewhere else quickly, like a movie night, powerpoint presentation, or even a prank!
To run: Menu -> Programming -> Deskreen
To run in a terminal: deskreen
Does not work on Wayland, meaning it is fairly useless on Pi OS Bookworm unless you swiched to X11.
This is privacy-friendly and does not use cloud resources, but it is written in Electron and consumes a lot of CPU processing power when in use. It is not suitable for Pi models older than the Pi4.
https://filezilla-project.org/ - Botspot
Package app - 19,670 Users!!
Download and upload files via FTP, FTPS, and HTTP
This all allows you to connect to file-sharing servers on your home network or on the world wide web.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Filezilla
To run in terminal: filezilla
Note: For more cloud-storage, see the CloudBuddy app.
HTTrack Website Copier
https://httrack.com - Thanks to:
- Xavier Roche and all contributors for creating HTTrack!
- Thanks to Crilum on GitHub for adding HTTrack to Pi-Apps!
Package app - 3,528 Users!
HTTrack is a free and easy-to-use offline browser utility.
It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system.
This will also install WebHTTrack, which is a graphical version of HTTrack that uses a locally served website as a GUI.
To run HTTrack:
Run from Terminal: httrack
To run WebHTTrack (graphical version of HTTrack):
Run from Terminal: webhttrack
Run from Menu: Menu -> Internet -> WebHTTrack Website Copier
Persepolis Download Manager
ARM32/ARM64 - 1,605 Users!
Persepolis is a Download Manager and a GUI For aria2.
It's written in Python. Persepolis is a Sample of Free and open source software. It's developed For GNU/Linux Distributions, BSDs, macOS and Microsoft Windows.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Persepolis Download Manager
To run in a terminal: persepolis
tag.rc24.xyz - RiiTag and RiiTag-RPC created by the team of RiiConnect24.
Script created by libewa.
ARM64 ONLY - 123 Users
Show what games you're playing on your Wii and Wii U in Discord.
Make sure to sign up for the service at https://tag.rc24.xyz/
To run in a terminal: riitag-rpc
ARM32/ARM64 - 20,797 Users!!
Test your internet speed from a terminal!
Are you familiar with speedtest.net? This tool is created by the same team.
This version is much newer than the speedtest-cli package available in the repositories.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Run Speedtest
To run in a terminal: speedtest
https://github.com/Benmac83/Teamviewer-installer-for-pi - Benmac83 on the Botspot discord server, GYKGamer on GitHub for the heads up on the client/host preview, and theofficialgman for the scripts
ARM32/ARM64 - 11,481 Users!!
Remote desktop server and client software.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> TeamViewer
To run in terminal: teamviewer
If you get an error running it from command line follow the instructions it gives you. They're very simple to follow.
https://transmissionbt.com - Botspot
Package app - 46,555 Users!!
Lightweight BitTorrent client
Use this to download torrent files from the Internet. For example, you can download a Torrent version of Raspberry Pi OS.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Transmission
To run in a terminal: transmission-gtk
Also see the Deluge app.
Note: Torrents can contain illegal material, like pirated movies or cracked games. You use Transmission at your own risk.
Web Apps
https://itsfoss.com/web-app-manager-linux-mint/ - linuxmint for maintaining the application
theofficialgman for packaging it for pi-apps
ARM32/ARM64 - 10,249 Users!!
Run websites as if they were apps.
This is Linux Mint's official Web Apps program. Using it, you can run any website as a standalone app.
If there are multiple browsers installed on the system, Web Apps will let you choose which one to use. It also lets you select an icon, menu category, and text label. When finished, a new button will appear in the main menu.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Web Apps
To run in a terminal: webapp-manager
Xtreme Download Manager
ARM32/ARM64 - 8,877 Users!
Xtreme Download Manager is a powerful tool to increase download speed up-to 500%, save and convert streaming videos from thousands of websites, resume broken/dead downloads and schedule downloads.
XDM seamlessly integrates with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox Quantum, Opera, Vivaldi and many popular browsers, to take over downloads and saving streaming videos from web.
XDM has built in video converter which lets you convert downloaded videos to popular MP4 and MP3 formats.
Support for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DASH, HLS, HDS protocols, firewalls, proxy servers, PAC scripts, file redirects, cookies, authorization, download queue, scheduler and many more feature makes XDM a very useful tool
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Xtreme Download Manager
To run in a terminal: /opt/xdman/xdman
Better Chromium
ARM32/ARM64 - 28,791 Users!!
Make the most of your browser.
This is a collection of improvements for various aspects of Chromium.
A window will appear with options. Feel free to pick and choose what you want, and uninstall this app to revert all changes.
Be sure to close Chromium and re-launch it for the changes to take effect.
- Dark mode for user interface
- Dark mode for all websites
- Change UI scale (make everything larger)
- Tab Previews (hover your mouse over a tab to see the page contents)
- Google Chrome Sync
- Widevine DRM support (for protected media like Netflix or Spotify)
- Performance Improvements (Faster loading and scrolling)
- Reduce writes to the SD card (Uses RAM for cache)
With the exception of Widevine, this script simply adds files to the /etc/chromium.d folder, most of which will add command-line flags to Chromium as it launches. Feel free to inspect the script to see how each of these features works.
https://brave.com/ - brave browser developers and google
ARM64 ONLY - 7,311 Users!
The new Brave browser blocks ads and trackers that slow you down and invade your privacy.
Discover a new way of thinking about how the web can work.
3x faster than Chrome. Better protection from Google and Big Tech.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Brave Web Browser
To run in a terminal: brave-browser-stable
ARM32/ARM64 - 3,347 Users!
The modern text-based terminal browser.
Browsh is a modern text-based browser for the terminal. It renders anything that a modern browser can; HTML5, CSS3, JS, video and even WebGL. Its main purpose is to be run on a remote server and accessed via SSH/Mosh or the in-browser HTML service in order to significantly reduce bandwidth and thus both increase browsing speeds and decrease bandwidth costs.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Browsh
To run in a terminal: browsh
NOTE: This will also install firefox-esr
Package app - 391,273 Users!!
Open-source version of Google Chrome.
If you are using Raspberry Pi OS, this browser has been optimized by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to include hardware acceleration and other various performance improvements.
To install an older version of Chromium, see the Downgrade Chromium app.
To improve Chromium with features such as Google sync, dark mode, performance improvements, DRM (Widevine) support, and reducing SD card writes, see the Better Chromium app.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Chromium Web Browser
To run in a terminal: chromium-browser
Downgrade Chromium
ARM32/ARM64 - 5,329 Users!
Change Chromium versions easily.
Chromium 65, 72, 74, 78, 84, 86, 88, 92, 95, 98, 101, 104, 109, 113, 116, 119, 120, 121, and 122. (on 64-bit you can only go as far back as 92)
Uninstall the app to go back to the latest Chromium version available.
Beware that downgrading Chromium versions can mess up your config folder. To be safe, this app makes a backup of Chromium's config folder. When uninstalling, you will have the opportunity to restore the backup config folder.
Using older browser versions can be a security risk, proceed with caution.
All deb files are downloaded from https://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/pool/main/c/chromium-browser
https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/epiphany - open-sorcerrer64
Package app - 8,292 Users!
Epiphany is a lightweight web browser based on the WebKit rendering engine. It is also known as GNOME Web.
Epiphany is the default web browser for GNOME desktop and elementary OS. Epiphany was the default web browser for Raspberry Pi OS (then, Raspbian) until 28th Sep 2016, when ditched for chromium.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Epiphany Web Browser
To run in a terminal: epiphany-browser
Firefox Rapid Release
https://firefox.com - Mozilla Foundation.
ARM32/ARM64 - 31,101 Users!!
Latest stable Mozilla Firefox version available. (Downloaded from Mozilla Team Official PPA)
Mozilla Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Firefox Web Browser
To run in terminal: firefox
https://floorp.app/en/ - Botspot
ARM64 ONLY - 273 Users
Based on Firefox, includes extra privacy features and customization.
This approaches Vivaldi-level customization, but it's a fork of Firefox instead of Chromium. It has dynamic New Tab backgrounds like Brave does, with a right sidebar like Microsoft Edge. Includes support for multiple workspaces and includes anti-tracking by default.
This version from Pi-Apps will add some extensions: uBlock Origin, h264ify, and UANaughtyList - the same extensions included with the PiOS Bullseye Firefox build.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Floorp
To run in a terminal: floorp
https://www.ekioh.com/flow-browser/ - Botspot
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,340 Users!
High-performance browser built from the ground up without relying on Chromium.
This is a closed source web browser specifically designed for running on the Raspberry Pi platform. It makes extensive usage of the GPU, and it outperforms many faster computers on the same benchmark.
This is a preview version, and you are bound to find places where it does not work well. Javascript support is still buggy, and other features are missing. But when Flow Browser works, the result is impressive.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Flow Browser
To run in a terminal: flow
https://librewolf.net/ - Botspot
ARM64 ONLY - 863 Users
A custom version of Firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedom.
Note: This is not the LibreWolf arm64 appimage. Installing from here will install LibreWolf to your system as a native app with best performance.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> LibreWolf
To run in a terminal: /opt/librewolf/librewolf
https://minbrowser.org/ - @ryanfortner (GitHub)
ARM32/ARM64 - 4,300 Users!
A fast, minimal browser that protects your privacy.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Min
To run in terminal: min
ARM32/ARM64 - 396 Users
Mullvad Browser is security-minded browser meant for use with a VPN.
Default settings will block trackers, browser fingerprinting, ads, insecure HTTP connections, and more.
Mullvad Browser is a fork of the Tor browser, and includes uBlock Origin and the Mullvad extensions preinstalled.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Mullvad Browser
To run in a terminal: ~/mullvad-browser/Browser/start-mullvad-browser
https://www.puffin.com/raspberry-pi/ - Botspot added this app to Pi-Apps.
ARM32/ARM64 - 15,289 Users!!
Speeds up web browsing thanks to cloud servers.
This web browser uses cloud servers to load websites for you, instead of making your Pi do it all.
Result: a claimed 1600% browsing speed increase.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Puffin Internet Terminal (Demo)
To run in a terminal: puffin-internet-terminal-demo
ARM32/ARM64 - 1,857 Users!
A useful fast Web Browser for Windows and Linux written in pyqt5 webkit.
This browser is aimed at ease of use, faster page loading, very short startup time.
This has minimal settings to avoid confusion.Yet it has most useful settings, such as load images on/off, javascript on/off, change font.
To save pages to read later, print feature can be used to save as pdf. And it can also export the whole page as png image.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Quartz Browser
To run in a terminal: quartz_browser
ARM32/ARM64 - 30,323 Users!!
The Tor Browser is a web broswer that anonymizes your web traffic using the Tor network, making it easy to protect your identity online.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Tor Browser
To run in a terminal: ~/tor-browser/Browser/start-tor-browser
https://vivaldi.com - Big thanks to chunky-milk for app idea and install script:
Icon, description, and everything else required by pi-apps by Itai-Nelken
ARM32/ARM64 - 10,352 Users!!
Fast, private browser with unique features.
Official Vivaldi browser for ARM Linux.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Vivaldi
To run in a terminal: vivaldi-stable
https://github.com/ArmCord/ArmCord - @ryanfortner (GitHub)
ARM32/ARM64 - 3,877 Users!
ArmCord is a custom client designed to enhance your Discord experience while keeping everything lightweight.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> ArmCord
To run in a terminal: armcord
ARM32/ARM64 - 3,537 Users!
Caprine is an unofficial and privacy focused Facebook Messenger app with many useful features.
Built with Electron, Caprine features a Dark mode, keyboard shortcuts, ability to toggle last seen/typing indicators, work chat support, code blocks, custom text size, and an interface that adapts to resizing windows.
Caprine is a third-party app and is not affiliated with Facebook.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Caprine
To run in a terminal: /opt/Caprine/caprine
Microsoft Teams
https://github.com/IsmaelMartinez/teams-for-linux - @IsmaelMartinez on GitHub for the creation of the app.
ARM32/ARM64 - 6,760 Users!
Microsoft Teams is a proprietary business communication platform developed by Microsoft, as part of the Microsoft 365 family of products.
Teams primarily competes with the similar service Slack, offering workspace chat and videoconferencing, file storage, and application integration.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Teams
To run in a terminal: /opt/teams-for-linux/run-teams.sh
Build with nativefier.
https://www.signal.org - Botspot
ARM64 ONLY - 960 Users
Secure messaging client (phone number required)
Supports text chats, voice calls, and video calls. Signal cannot view the contents of your chats, and when governments demand all data about a particular user, all Signal can provide them with is the sign-up date and the last login date. Impressive.
This is an unofficial build of Signal Desktop for ARM64, hosted on this repo: https://github.com/dennisameling/Signal-Desktop
If you wish to compile it yourself then good luck. Let us know if you figure it out.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Signal
To run in a terminal: "/opt/Signal Unofficial/signal-desktop-unofficial" --no-sandbox
For new users: you first need to install Signal on a smartphone to set up your account. Then run Signal Desktop and it will show a QR code. Scan the QR code with the phone to authenticate Signal Desktop.
Important note: all messages sent and received BEFORE authorizing Signal Desktop will never appear in the message history on Signal Desktop. So if you want to use Signal Desktop, try to set it up sooner rather than later. To migrate to a new Linux OS and keep your message history, copy your "$HOME/.config/Signal Unofficial" folder to the new system.
ARM64 ONLY - 9,407 Users!
Telegram is a free and open source, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging software. This service also provides end-to-end encrypted video calling, VoIP, file sharing and several other features.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Telegram Desktop
To run from terminal: flatpak run org.telegram.desktop
https://www.thunderbird.net/features - Botspot
Package app - 40,185 Users!!
Email client with many features like a tabbed interface, smart spam filter, address book, search and filter tools, encryption, and numerous add-ons.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Thunderbird
To run in a terminal: thunderbird
https://github.com/SpacingBat3/WebCord/ - Discord app by SpacingBat3
ARM32/ARM64 - 42,723 Users!!
Fast Discord client for ARM that mimics the official Discord client.
The app runs independent to chromium and can be hidden to the system tray unlike other solutions out there.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> WebCord.
To run in a terminal: webcord
This client is not officially provided or supported by Discord and technically violates ToS, use at your own risk
Made by SpacingBat3 on Github with care :)
https://www.wechat.com/en/ - Install script written by RaspberryPiNews on YT
With help from chills340 on Discord
Script edits made by Botspot. Botspot was unable to login and test everything though.
ARM32 ONLY - 639 Users
WeChat is a Chinese multi-purpose instant messaging, social media and mobile payment app developed by Tencent.
It was first released in 2011, it became the world's largest standalone mobile app in 2018, with over 1 billion monthly active users.
WeChat provides text messaging, hold-to-talk voice messaging, broadcast (one-to-many) messaging, video conferencing, video games, sharing of photographs and videos and location sharing.
WeChat Desktop App:
- Run with box86 and wine
- Smooth performance
- Everything from gifs to emojis to images all work
To run: Menu -> Internet -> WeChat
to run in a terminal: WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.config/wechat-prefix wine "$HOME/.config/wechat-prefix/drive_c/Program Files/Tencent/WeChat/WeChat.exe"
no website - theofficialgman
ARM32/ARM64 - 13,901 Users!!
Whatsapp Web webapp
A simple Whatsapp Web chromium webapp.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> WhatsApp
Zoom PWA
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,636 Users!
Progressive Web App for Zoom
This is chromium-browser running Zoom. Performance is much better that emulated x86/x86_64 Zoom in almost all cases.
Both versions can be installed at the same time and will not interfere with each another.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Zoom PWA
To run in a terminal: zoom-pwa
ARM32/ARM64 - 22,701 Users!!
Zoom video calls on the Raspberry Pi.
This is the full desktop app, so you can use virtual backgrounds and Gallery View!
This works by running the x86 Zoom Linux app inside the box86/box64 emulator.
Performance is good enough on the Pi4. Turning off HD video in Zoom's settings is recommended.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Zoom
To run in a terminal: /opt/zoom/ZoomLauncher
https://audacious-media-player.org/ - Botspot
Package app - 31,214 Users!!
Lightweight but flexible audio player
This is a playlist-style audio player, allowing you to drag folders and files to the list. It includes numerous audio effects, visualizations, and skins - even several Winamp ones!
To run: Menu -> Sound & Video -> Audacious
To run in a terminal: audacious
https://www.audacityteam.org/ - Botspot
Package app - 20,620 Users!!
Easy-to-use audio editor with numerous features
Supports live-recording, import/export, editing, effects, plugins, visualizations, keyboard shurtcuts, and much more.
To run: Menu -> Sound & Video -> Audacity
To run in a terminal: audacity
Also see MuseScore2 and Sonic-Pi
Bongo Cam
https://github.com/kuroni/bongocat-osu - Install code made by Raspberry Pi News on Youtube
Original app made by kuromi: https://github.com/kuroni/bongocat-osu
ARM32 ONLY - 2,981 Users!
If you want to make a video but don't want to show your face, why not use this animated cat program?
This app displays a cat. It can type on the keyboard or move the mouse. It mirrors your mouse movements.
Default keyboard shortcuts: Z and X to tap on the keyboard, C to wear sunglasses, and V to wave.
To run: Menu -> Sound & Video -> Bongo Cam
To run in a terminal: ~/bongocam/bongo
Go here for configuration options: https://github.com/kuroni/bongocat-osu/wiki/Settings
NOTE: The app files are stored in ~/bongocam/
Easy Effects
https://github.com/wwmm/easyeffects - Botspot
Package app - 338 Users
Useful audio effects that are applied to all system sounds
Is that one video too quiet and you need the volume boosted? Or do you want to add some echo to your favorite music, or are your speakers set up backwards and you need to swap the left and right outputs?
With EasyEffects you can do that.
I (Botspot) have been using this for several months now and find it quite useful.
With a big sound system, the room would shake whenever a YouTube video had some low wind noise, and EasyEffects fixed that with the "Equalizer" plugin where low frequency sounds could be limited.
Also check out the "Autogain" plugin. It turns down the volume during loud portions and raises it when someone is talking quietly. Perfect for class recordings where the teacher always talks very quietly, but occasionally shouts or pounds on the desk, and you don't want to wake up the neighborhood.
There are 24 effects in total, each with many presets and parameters to fiddle with. Also, effects can be applied to system input sounds (microphones), so you could improve how your voice sounds for audio recordings and voice calls.
To run: Menu -> Sound & Video -> Easy Effects
To run in a terminal: easyeffects
https://freetubeapp.io/ - Installation Script and added to Pi-Apps by RPICoder
ARM32/ARM64 - 20,988 Users!!
Privacy-friendly YouTube player.
Use YouTube without advertisements and prevent Google from tracking you with their cookies and JavaScript.
FreeTube has an interface similar to YouTube, but is slower and more innefficient than YouTubuddy. Try both and see which one you prefer!
Disabling the compositor improves playback performance.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> FreeTube
To run in a terminal: /opt/FreeTube/freetube
https://kdenlive.org/ - Botspot
ARM64 ONLY - 240 Users
Newest version of a popular video editor, compatible with PiOS Bookworm
Most Linux video editors have issues on Wayland, including the default (old) version of Kdenlive available with sudo apt install.
This version is straight from flatpak, and probably less than a month old.
To run: Menu -> Sound & Video -> Kdenlive
To run in a terminal: flatpak run --file-forwarding org.kde.kdenlive
https://kodi.tv/about - Botspot
ARM32/ARM64 - 17,035 Users!!
Kodi is the ultimate entertainment center.
Kodi excels at:
- Movies
- TV Shows
- Music
- Photos
- Games
- Skins and add-ons
- Controllable with mouse, keyboard, web interface, smartphone apps, game controllers, and TV remotes
To run: Menu -> Sound & Video -> Kodi
To run in a terminal: kodi
To make this run on startup, consider using the Autostar app.
https://lmms.io - Thanks to:
- the LMMS community for developing LMMS
- @Crilum on GitHub for adding LMMS to Pi-Apps
Package app - 4,483 Users!
LMMS (Let’s Make Music) is a free, open-source and cross-platform software for making music on your computer, made by musicians, for musicians. It comes with a user-friendly and modern interface.
LMMS also comes with playback instruments, samples, and plugins. It is bundled with ready-to-use content such as a collection of instrument and effect plugins, presets and samples to VST and SoundFont support.
- Compose music on Windows, Linux and macOS
- Sequence, compose, mix and automate songs in one simple interface
- Note playback via MIDI or typing keyboard
- Consolidate instrument tracks using Beat+Bassline Editor
- Fine tune patterns, notes, chords and melodies using Piano Roll Editor
- Full user-defined track-based automation and computer-controlled automation sources
- Import of MIDI files and Hydrogen project files
To run: Menu -> Sound & Video -> LMMS
To run in a terminal: lmms
https://musescore.org - Botspot
theofficialgman for appimages
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,795 Users!
Professional music notation software - LATEST MuseScore 4!
To run: Menu -> Sound & Video -> MuseScore 4
To run in terminal: mscore
OBS Studio
https://obsproject.com/ - theofficialgman
ARM32/ARM64 - 26,148 Users!!
Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming.
Available Versions:
ARM32/ARM64 - Debian Bookworm: 30.2.2
ARM64 - Ubuntu Noble: 30.2.2
ARM64 - Ubuntu Jammy: 30.2.2
ARM32/ARM64 - Debian Bullseye: 29.1.3
ARM64 - Ubuntu Focal: 29.1.3
ARM64 - Ubuntu Bionic: 28.1.2
To run: Menu -> Sound & Video -> OBS Studio
To run in a terminal: obs
https://reaper.fm - Thanks to @Crilum on GitHub for adding this app to Pi-Apps
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,418 Users!
REAPER is a complete digital audio production application for computers, offering a full multitrack audio and MIDI recording, editing, processing, mixing and mastering toolset.
REAPER supports a vast range of hardware, digital formats and plugins, and can be comprehensively extended, scripted and modified.
REAPER's full, flexible feature set and renowned stability have found a home wherever digital audio is used: commercial and home studios, broadcast, location recording, education, science and research, sound design, game development, and more.
From mission-critical professional environments to students' laptops, there is a single version of REAPER, fully featured with no artificial limitations. You can evaluate REAPER in full for 60 days. A REAPER license is affordably priced and DRM-free.
This is a free 60-day trial of Reaper (Nothing disabled).
This app installs Reaper, as well as ReaPack, the (unofficial) Reaper Package Manager, with over 1300 Plugins/Extentions available.
To run from Teminal: reaper
To run from Menu: Menu -> Sound and Video -> Reaper
To run ReaPack: Open Reaper, go to the "Extentions" menu, and hover over the "ReaPack" item.
Renoise (Demo)
https://renoise.com - Thanks to:
- Renoise developer for making Renoise, and providing Raspberry Pi builds!
- @Crilum on GitHub for adding teh app to Pi-Apps
ARM32/ARM64 - 448 Users
Renoise is a cross-platform Digital Audio Workstation with a unique top-down approach to music composition known as a tracker interface.
Already known to be a very feature-complete software, version 3 improves on core features such as the native sampler and instrument.
This version is only a demo, you can buy the full version at: https://www.renoise.com/shop
Renoise Demo Restrictions
· No ASIO support on Windows
· Rendering to .wav is disabled
· Rendering/resampling selections is disabled
· Rendering/freezing plugin instruments to samples is disabled
· Nag screens
· As ReWire Master, only the first stereo input bus will be available
· As ReWire Slave, Renoise will occasionally generate a small subtle hiss
To Run from Menu: Menu -> Sound and Video -> Renoise
To run in Terminal: renoise
https://www.maartenbaert.be/simplescreenrecorder/ - App Made by: MaartenBaert
Suggestion from Kolpix
Package app - 8,755 Users!
Feature-rich screen recorder for X11 and OpenGL
Simple Screen Recorder is, despite its name, an actually feature-rich screen recorder. The name reflects the fact that it is simple to use unlike many other free screen recording applications available. It can be easily configured to start recording from an intuitive wizard-like interface.
It can record the entire screen or part of it directly. The recording can be paused and resumed at any time. Many different file formats and codecs are supported. To perform an X11 recording, all it takes is selecting an area on the root window with the mouse, choosing an output file and pressing record, either by using the mouse or using a hotkey.
It has a Qt-based graphical user interface.
Its complexity becomes apparent in its powerful features. It allows one to record X11 screen areas and fullscreen OpenGL applications including sound supporting both ALSA, PulseAudio, JACK and OSS. It uses libavformat to encode the recorded material into a variety of video formats. Scaling the recorded video is possible as well as configuring the encoding quality for the codec chosen directly from the user interface.
To run: Menu -> Sound & Video -> SimpleScreenRecorder
To run in a terminal: simplescreenrecorder
Sonic Pi
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,926 Users!
Write code to make music. Latest version of Sonic Pi.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> Sonic Pi
To run in a terminal: sonic-pi
Sound Recorder
https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/SoundRecorder - Botspot
Package app - 2,306 Users!
Record audio from the microphone
This is a very simple app but it gets the job done easier than a more complicated choice such as VLC or Audacity.
You have to plug in an audio input device such as a webcam or USB microphone or USB sound card, then make sure it is set as default by right-clicking on the microphone icon on your taskbar.
To run: Menu -> Sound & Video -> Sound Recorder
To run in a terminal: gnome-sound-recorder
1. In testing, the recorded audio quality was just a loud buzzing sound and impossible to hear anything else. If this happens to you, try changing the Audio Channel to Mono instead of Stereo.
2. You are supposed to leave the recorded audio in the app, and to actually save the audio somewhere, you are supposed to "export" it to a folder of your choice. But this is extra work and duplicates the data for no good reason, so here is the folder for saved recordings: ~/.local/share/org.gnome.SoundRecorder
WACUP (new WinAmp)
https://getwacup.com/ - Botspot for the scripts
ralf1307 (github) issue #192 for the suggestion.
ARM32 ONLY - 2,597 Users!
Cross-platform audio player - emulated Windows app
https://tracktion.com/products/waveform-free - Thanks to @Crilum on GitHub for adding this app to Pi-Apps!
ARM32/ARM64 - 1,233 Users
Waveform is a proprietary Digital Audio Workstation specializing in creative and inspirational workflows.
Waveform is a rapidly evolving application specifically designed for the needs of modern music producers. Specializing in creative and inspirational workflows and avoiding features not explicitly needed allow the app to remain surprisingly fun and intuitive.
This is a 90-day free trial of Waveform, but you can get a free licence by creating an account at https://www.tracktion.com/welcome/waveform-free. Once you have an account, you can use it to activate Waveform.
This app will also work with Pro licenses.
To run from Menu: Menu -> Sound and Video -> Waveform 11
To run from Terminal: Waveform11
https://github.com/Botspot/youtubuddy - Botspot added this to Pi-Apps.
ARM32/ARM64 - 22,255 Users!!
Simple YouTube search engine, downloader and player.
- No web browser required! Easily search for videos and play them with a few clicks.
- Extremely lightweight - one bash script.
- Perfect for downloading/playing batches of videos with a few clicks.
- Supports searches, playlist URLs, and direct YouTube links. In addition, this supports URLs to many other video sites for easy downloading.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> YouTubuddy
To run in a terminal: ~/youtubuddy/gui
http://www.abisource.com/ - open-sorcerer64
Package app - 5,021 Users!
A free and open-source alternative to Microsoft Word.
AbiWord is a lightweight word processor compatible with a wide variety of file formats. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of Microsoft Word or Libre Office's Writer, but it is more than enough for the average user.
The source code is available at https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/AbiWord
NOTE: AbiWord uses .abw extension by default.
To run: Menu -> Office -> Abiword.
To run in terminal: abiword.
http://www.gnumeric.org/ - Botspot
Package app - 1,852 Users!
Fast, reliable spreadsheet program
Ons of the spreadsheet programs specifically written for Linux, Gnumeric is lightweight, fast, and very responsive. It can save as .gnumeric files, .ods files, or even the familiar Microsoft Office .xls filetype.
To run: Menu -> Office -> Gnumeric
To run in a terminal: gnumeric
Libreoffice MS theme
https://github.com/Botspot/libreoffice-ms-theme - Botspot made this script and theme.
ARM32/ARM64 - 11,553 Users!!
Make Libreoffice to look like Microsoft office - icon theme and tabbed interface.
The icon theme was obtained from here: https://www.deviantart.com/charliecnr/art/Office-2013-theme-for-LibreOffice-512127527
And the tabbed interface is a hidden feature within Libreoffice.
Currently, the tabbed interface works for Calc, Impress, and Writer. Base and Math don't support it, and it doesn't display correctly on Draw for some reason.
https://www.libreoffice.org - Botspot
Package app - 135,898 Users!!
Free office suite including a word editor, slideshow, spreadsheet, database, and image editor
To run: Menu -> Office -> LibreOffice
To run in a terminal: libreoffice
To make it look and feel like Microsoft Office, see the "Libreoffice MS Theme" app!
https://github.com/baumgarr/Nixnote2 - Botspot
Package app - 2,462 Users!
Take notes, organize your schedule, and save websites with this offline and open-source Evernote client.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> NixNote2
To run in a terminal: nixnote2
https://github.com/lainsce/notejot - Thanks to:
- @lainsce on GitHub for creating the app!
- @Crilum on GitHub for adding this app to Pi-Apps
ARM64 ONLY - 1,359 Users
A minimalist note-taking app with Markdown support
Run from Menu: Menu -> Accessories -> Notejot
Run from Terminal: flatpak run io.github.lainsce.Notejot
https://obsidian.md/ - Botspot
ARM64 ONLY - 1,027 Users
Powerful knowledge base using plain text Markdown files (for note-taking & project management)
Note-taking is incredibly personal. Tried every app, but something always irks you? You deserve better.
For those who can't custom-build a solution for themselves, Obsidian is as close as you can get, with plugins, themes, and custom CSS at your disposal.
With Obsidian, your data sits in a local folder. Never leave your life's work held hostage in the cloud again.
Vibrant Community
With more than 50,000 members in our Discord chat and 30,000 members on our forum, Obsidian has one of the largest note-taking communities.
Our community welcomes anyone who uses Obsidian or is interested in Obsidian, no matter your language, country, or field. Come join us!
To run from Menu: Menu -> Office -> Obsidian
To run from Terminal: obsidian
ARM32/ARM64 - 568 Users
Open-Typer is an open source typing tutor application which aims to make learning to touch type easier.
Using Qt, Open-Typer runs on many devices, while still maintaining ease of use.
To run: Menu -> Education -> Open-Typer
To run in terminal: /opt/Open-Typer.AppImage
https://www.projectlibre.com/product/1-alternative-microsoft-project-open-source - Botspot
ARM32/ARM64 - 423 Users
A desktop replacement for Microsoft Project - a project management software
It is capable of sharing files with Microsoft Project and has very similar functionality (Gantt, PERT diagram, histogram, charts, reports, detailed usage), as well as tree views which aren't in MS Project.
Compatible with Microsoft Project 2010, 2013, and 2016.
To run: Menu -> Office -> ProjectLibre
To run in a terminal: projectlibre
WPS Office
https://www.wps.com - Botspot figured out how to install WPS Office on PiOS64. (dependency handling)
Botspot figured out how to install WPS Office on PiOS32. (chroot setup)
ARM32/ARM64 - 5,590 Users!
This is a Chinese clone of Microsoft Office.
It includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, a PDF viewer, and a web browser. It appears to be free software and you don't need to create an account to use it.
Compared to LibreOffice, WPS Office runs faster, looks better, and seems to be more stable.
This script will prevent the program from connecting to the Internet, just in case it contains telemetry or spyware.
To run: Menu -> Office -> WPS Office
To run in a terminal: it depends! Please read the information below.
This app installs differently, depending on if you are using a 32-bit OS or a 64-bit OS.
If you are using a 32-bit OS:
- You will have to enable the 64-bit kernel. Don't worry, enabling it will not harm your OS - you probably won't even notice.
- A 64-bit Debian Bullseye chroot will be created. (/opt/wps-office-chroot)
- The total installation will take 2.1GB of space.
- To run in a terminal: schroot -c wps-office-chroot -- wps
- If you trust WPS Office and want to use its Internet features, then run this command: sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /opt/wps-office-chroot/etc/resolv.conf
If you are using a 64-bit OS:
- WPS will be directly installed with apt.
- The total installation will take 1.3GB of space.
- To run in a terminal: wps
- If you trust WPS Office and want to use its Internet features, edit the menu button and get rid of the "firejail --net=none" part.
ARM32/ARM64 - 26,643 Users!!
Arduino IDE 1.8.X. Now called Arduino IDE Legacy, based on the Java and Python Frameworks.
Arduino IDE 2.X has not been released for ARMhf/ARM64 Linux, based on the Electron and Javascript/Typescript Frameworks.
Use this to flash your code to Arduino microprocessors.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> Arduino IDE.
To run in a terminal: arduino
BlueJ Java IDE
https://bluej.org - open-sorcerer64
Package app - 33,855 Users!!
A simple but powerful Java IDE.
BlueJ is an integrated development environment for the Java programming language, developed mainly for educational purposes.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> BlueJ Java IDE
To run in a terminal: bluej
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,274 Users!
A free note-taking software for programmers and Computer Science students.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> Codex
To run in a terminal: ~/codex/Codex
Electron Fiddle
https://www.electronjs.org/fiddle - Thanks to:
- All contributers to Electron, and Electron Fiddle.
- Crilum on GitHub for making the scripts.
ARM32/ARM64 - 1,290 Users
Electron Fiddle lets you create and play with small Electron experiments.
It greets you with a quick-start template after opening – change a few things, choose the version of Electron you want to run it with, and play around.
Then, save your Fiddle either as a GitHub Gist or to a local folder.
Once pushed to GitHub, anyone can quickly try your Fiddle out by just entering it in the address bar.
To run: Menu -> Accesories -> Electron Fiddle
To run in a terminal: electron-fiddle
Github Desktop
https://desktop.github.com/ - Github Desktop contributors: https://github.com/desktop/desktop/graphs/contributors
@shiftkey: continued maintenance of the Linux fork
@theofficialgman: port to ARMhf/ARM64 now upstreamed at the Linux fork
ARM32/ARM64 - 8,556 Users!
Github Desktop is a GUI git client.
Focus on what matters instead of fighting with Git. Whether you're new to Git or a seasoned user, GitHub Desktop simplifies your development workflow.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> Github Desktop
To run in a terminal: github-desktop
https://cli.github.com/ - Added to pi-apps by Itai-Nelken
ARM32/ARM64 - 7,803 Users!
gh is GitHub on the command line.
It brings pull requests, issues, and other GitHub concepts to the terminal next to where you are already working with git and your code.
To run in a terminal: gh
Gnome Builder IDE
ARM64 ONLY - 440 Users
Builder is an actively developed Integrated Development Environment for GNOME.
It combines integrated support for essential GNOME technologies such as GTK+, GLib, and GNOME APIs with features that any developer will appreciate, like syntax highlighting and snippets.
You can rely on predictable releases of Builder with each new release of GNOME every six months.
Intellij IDEA
https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/ - Thanks to GlacierPark19 for suggesting this app be added.
Botspot made it.
ARM32/ARM64 - 4,637 Users!
IntelliJ IDEA is an IDE designed to maximize developer productivity.
It does the routine and repetitive tasks for you by providing clever code completion, static code analysis, and refactorings, and lets you focus on the bright side of software development, making it not only productive but also an enjoyable experience.
WARNING for all 32-bit OS users: All JetBrains applications are deprecated on 32-bit OS. Move to a 64-bit OS to be able to use the latest version.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> IntelliJ IDEA
To run in a terminal: /opt/ideaIC/bin/idea.sh
https://www.jgrasp.org/index.html - Botspot created and theofficialgman edited and updated.
ARM32/ARM64 - 1,227 Users
An IDE with visualizations for improving software comprehensibility.
This IDE is used by many learning institutions and colleges for their classes.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> jGRASP
To run in a terminal: jgrasp
https://codewith.mu/ - Botspot
Package app - 53,165 Users!!
A simple Python editor for beginner programmers.
This is probably the simplest Python code editor available, with an intuitive UI designed to make sense on first run. Mu is the recommended Python IDE by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> mu
To run in a terminal: mu-editor
Notepad ++
https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ - App added to pi-apps by RPICoder
ARM32/ARM64 - 12,870 Users!!
Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> Notepad++
This app runs with the help of box86 and wine.
Processing IDE
https://processing.org/ - added by pi-dev500
updated by theofficialgman
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,376 Users!
Simple Java IDE
Processing 4 is an IDE + Programming Language used for Visual Arts.
It is an Open-Source and Free Software (FOSS) which is built from Java and is used to create graphics.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> Processing IDE
To run in a terminal: ~/.local/share/processing-*/processing
Pycharm CE
https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/ - Thanks to gam3t3chelectronicshobbyhouse a.k.a 'Gam3t3ch' for "Installing PyCharm on Raspberry Pi 4" from element14. Also, fabianmendes for introducing it into pi-apps.
ARM32/ARM64 - 13,298 Users!!
Python Community Edition IDE for Professional and Educational Developers.
You must configure the IDE to run each script ("py" file), or create a new environment.
For Educational purposes, the "EDUtools" plugin can be installed. Go to the right corner from the Pycharm start up portal: Configurate > Plugins > Search for: EDUtools > Install it and restart the IDE. Then you will able to select "Learn and Teach" for courses.
WARNING for all 32-bit OS users: All JetBrains applications are deprecated on 32-bit OS. Move to a 64-bit OS to be able to use the latest version.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> Pycharm Community Edition
To run in a terminal: /opt/pycharm-community/bin/pycharm.sh
https://remarkableapp.github.io - Added to Pi-Apps by Itai-Nelken.
Thanks to seiferteric on GitHub for providing the DEB package fix.
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,013 Users!
A fully featured Markdown editor for Linux.
Remarkable has many features including:
- Live Preview with Synchronized Scrolling
- Syntax Highlighting
- GitHub Flavored Markdown Support
- HTML and PDF Export
- Dialogs for adding images, links and tables
- Styles
- Custom CSS Support
- Keyboard Shortcuts
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> Remarkable
To run in a terminal: remarkable
Scratch 2
https://github.com/Botspot/scratch2 - Botspot
ARM32 ONLY - 3,179 Users!
Scratch 2 was removed from RPiOS in January. Install it back with this app!
Scratch 2 is significantly faster than Scratch 3. It uses far less CPU, and generally will run better than Scratch 3 on older Pies.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> Scratch 2.
To run in a terminal: scratch2
Scratch 3
https://scratch.mit.edu - Botspot
Package app - 72,034 Users!!
Enjoy learning computer programming with drag-n-drop blocks!
This is Raspberry Pi's official electron build of Scratch 3 and it runs offline.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> Scratch 3
To run in a terminal: /usr/lib/scratch3/scratch-desktop
Note: Consider trying Turbowarp or Scratch 2 - both run faster than this version.
Sphero SDK
https://sdk.sphero.com - Sphero SDK maintainers
zShqdows (GitHub)
ryanfortner (GitHub) for some improvements
ARM32/ARM64 - 391 Users
Software Development Kit for the Sphero RVR Robot
This app can be used with the Sphero RVR Robot to code IR sensors, color sensors, LEDS, and much more, even programming servo's, and robotics arms to pick up and move items to another location.
To run this app: Most of the Instructions are provided after install.
Make sure to do - cd ~/sphero-sdk-raspberrypi-python/
After reading the instructions, and rebooting, connecting to RVR is simple, using jumper wires,
Connect GND from the Raspberry Pi to GND on RVR.
Connect TX from the Raspberry Pi to RX on RVR.
Lastly, connect RX from the Raspberry Pi to TX on the RVR.
There you go! You are now ready to run your programs.
https://stackedit.io/ - theofficialgman
ARM32/ARM64 - 1,228 Users
Full-featured, open-source Markdown editor.
StackEdit uses the same markdown library as Stack Overflow and is fully compatible with Github README.md files as well.
This is Botspot's preferred tool to write the README for all his repositories.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> StackEdit
Sublime Merge
https://www.sublimemerge.com/ - Added to pi-apps by theofficialgman
ARM64 ONLY - 223 Users
Git Client, done Sublime. Line-by-line Staging. Commit Editing. Unmatched Performance.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> Sublime Merge
To run in a terminal: smerge
Sublime Text
https://www.sublimetext.com/ - Added to pi-apps by Itai Nelken
ARM32/ARM64 - 9,026 Users!
Cross-platform source code editor with a Python application programming interface.
It natively supports many programming languages and markup languages. Additional features can be added with plugins.
On armhf based Operating Systems, this runs Sublime Text 2 with the Box86 emulator.
However on arm64 based Operating Systems this runs the latest Sublime Text 4 without any emulation.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> Sublime Text
To run in a terminal if you are using a 32-bit OS: box86 ~/'Sublime Text 2'/sublime_text
To run in a terminal if you are using a 64-bit OS: subl
https://turbowarp.org/ - App added to pi-apps by Raspberry Pi News (bit.ly/rpnsite)
Made by the TurboWarp dev team (https://github.com/TurboWarp/)
ARM32/ARM64 - 4,033 Users!
Scratch 3 Desktop, but runs much faster. Also known as 'TurboWarp'
TurboWarp is a Scratch mod that compiles projects to JavaScript to make them run really fast. Also has dark mode, addons, and more. It even works when you're offline, just like the original Scratch Desktop.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> TurboWarp
To run in a terminal: /opt/TurboWarp/turbowarp-desktop
Visual Studio Code
https://code.visualstudio.com/ - Install script written by RaspberryPiNews on YT
Small change to description by CleanMachine1
Original program made by Microsoft
ARM32/ARM64 - 29,452 Users!!
Visual Studio Code is a free source-code editor made by Microsoft.
Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git
It supports most popular coding languages including Python, JavaScript, and more.
Note: If you are using Raspberry Pi OS, you don't need to install this app. Just run "sudo apt install code" in the terminal. Pi-Apps will still continue to ship VSCode so that non-PiOS users can still have access to it.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> Visual Studio Code
To run in a terminal: code
https://vscodium.com/ - Added to pi-apps by @ryanfortner (Github)
ARM32/ARM64 - 5,206 Users!
Visual Studio Code builds without the telemetry and tracking.
Microsoft's vscode source code is open source (MIT-licensed), but the product available for download (Visual Studio Code) is licensed under this not-FLOSS license and contains telemetry/tracking.
To run: Menu -> Programming -> VSCodium
To run: codium
System Management
All Is Well
ARM32/ARM64 - 23,725 Users!!
ALL IS WELL is a bash script that allows users to easily update and upgrade their repositories and packages on linux.
It will also fix any broken packages and dependencies. Forget about typing all update/upgrade commands manually, when ALL IS WELL!
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> All Is Well
To run in a terminal: ~/All-is-well/aiw/aiwrpi.sh 'All Is Well'
https://github.com/Botspot/autostar - Botspot made, Botspot added.
ARM32/ARM64 - 10,735 Users!!
Simple utility to make programs run on boot. The sky's the limit.
People use this to:
- Launch a website automatically, on boot.
- Start a backup.
- Launch your favorite apps on boot so they are ready to use sooner.
- See what other apps have added autostart entries, and customize/disable them.
To run: Menu -> Preferences -> AutoStar
To run in terminal: ~/autostar/main.sh
ARM32/ARM64 - 10,843 Users!!
BleachBit is a free and open-source disk space cleaner, privacy manager, and computer system optimizer.
Like CCleaner on Windows, BleachBit frees space by deleting unimportant files and helps maintain your privacy by deleting sensitive data.
And, just like CCleaner, there’s more you can do with BleachBit than just clicking a single button.
Better than free, BleachBit is open source.
Comparison to APT version:
- Nicer GUI look
- With Abort function
- With many function not included in APT version (Shred path from clipboard,make chaff and etc)
- Clean deeper
- Official dark theme support
- Support showing debug messages
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> BleachBit
To run in a terminal: bleachbit
https://github.com/aristocratos/btop - Thanks to:
- aristocratos and all contributers.
- Crilum on GitHub for writing the scripts.
ARM32/ARM64 - 8,687 Users!
Awesome terminal resource monitor and task manager, similar to htop.
To run in a terminal: btop
btop shows CPU, memory, network, and disk usage, along with a task manager.
btop is also very user customizable, with different layouts and ways of displaying CPU, memory, network and disk usage.
If you want to look at screenshots of btop, go to the GitHub README.
Clam Antivirus
ARM32/ARM64 - 15,305 Users!!
Open-source antivirus for your pi
Run with the command "clamtk" or go to Menu > Utility > ClamTK.
∙ Open source
∙ Install it, set a schedule and forget it
∙ Scans your entire filesystem
∙ Moves suspicious files to quaratine
∙ Has a GUI to control it
ARM32/ARM64 - 42,230 Users!!
Easy RaspberryPi4 GUI system management
Using CommanderPi, you can change overclock settings, bootloader settings, switch kernels, and view performance diagnostics.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> CommanderPi
To run in a terminal: ~/CommanderPi/src/start.sh
Disk Usage Analyzer
https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/DiskUsageAnalyzer - Botspot
Package app - 74,637 Users!!
Ever wonder where you put that big file, or why your SD card is full? Now you can, with a glance at a pie chart.
To run: Menu -> System Tools -> Disk Usage Analyzer
To run in a terminal: baobab
https://gparted.org - Botspot
Package app - 84,440 Users!!
Graphically manage disk partitions
With GParted you can resize, copy, and move partitions without data loss, enabling you to:
- Grow or shrink your C: drive
- Create space for new operating systems
- Attempt data rescue from lost partitions
To run: Menu -> System Tools -> GParted
To run in a terminal: sudo gparted
https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch - App Credit: dylanaraps - (GitHub: https://github.com/dylanaraps)
Patches: theofficialgman
ARM32/ARM64 - 32,552 Users!!
An aesthetically pleasing bash script to show system information.
To run in a terminal: 'neofetch'
This version of Neofetch is better than what can be found by default from APT. It correctly detects CPU and GPU info on ARM systems - details which are hidden in the official version.
Pi Power Tools
ARM32/ARM64 - 30,809 Users!!
Easily edit RaspiOS image files with a suite of useful tools.
All features: Advanced Mount, Shrink, Expand, Flash, Boot in a VM, Download, Mount (View), Edit partitions, and Repair.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> Pi Power Tools
To run in a terminal: ~/Pi-Power-Tools/home
Pika Backup
https://github.com/sophie-h/pika-backup - Thanks to:
- @sophie-h on GitHub for creating this app
- @Crilum on GitHub for adding this app to Pi-Apps
ARM64 ONLY - 1,926 Users!
An easy way to backup all your drives.
Doing backups the easy way. Plugin your USB drive and let the Pika do the rest for you.
- Create backups locally and remote
- Set a schedule for regular backups
- Save time and disk space because Pika
- Backup does not need to copy known data again
- Encrypt your backups
- List created archives and browse through their contents
- Recover files or folders via your file browser
Pika Backup is designed to save your personal data and does not support complete system recovery. Pika Backup is powered by the well-tested BorgBackup software.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> Pika Backup
To run in a terminal: flatpak run org.gnome.World.PikaBackup
https://www.lifewire.com/guide-to-synaptic-package-manager-220570y - Botspot
Package app - 40,478 Users!!
Advanced APT-package-management tool
To run: Menu -> Preferences -> Synaptic Package Manager
To run in terminal: sudo synaptic
https://syncthing.net - @theofficialgman on GitHub for the scripts
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,489 Users!
A sync manager that syncs folders to different devices no matter where you are!
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Syncthing
To run in a terminal: syncthing
https://github.com/KrispyCamel4u/SysMonTask - @KrispyCamel4u (GitHub) for the program
@ryanfortner (GitHub) for the scripts
ARM32/ARM64 - 7,216 Users!
Linux system monitor similar to the Windows task manager, written in Python.
To run: Menu -> System Tools -> SysMonTask
To run in a terminal: sysmontask
System Monitoring Center
https://github.com/hakandundar34coding/system-monitoring-center - @hakandundar34coding (GitHub)
@ryanfortner (GitHub)
ARM32/ARM64 - 17,226 Users!!
Graphical Linux System Monitor that provides information about CPU/RAM/Disk/Network/GPU performance, sensors, processes, users, startup programs, services and system info.
To run: Menu -> System Tools -> System Monitoring Center
To run in a terminal: system-monitoring-center
https://github.com/linuxmint/timeshift - app created by: teejee2008
maintenance taken on by linuxmint:
Added and updated on pi-apps: Itai-Nelken and theofficialgman
ARM32/ARM64 - 8,082 Users!
System restore tool for Linux that provides functionality similar to the System Restore feature in Windows and the Time Machine tool in Mac OS.
Creates filesystem snapshots using rsync+hardlinks, or BTRFS snapshots. Supports scheduled snapshots, multiple backup levels, and exclude filters. Snapshots can be restored while system is running or from Live CD/USB.
To run GUI: Menu -> Tools -> Timeshift
To run CLI interface from terminal: timeshift
Update Buddy
ARM32/ARM64 - 18,791 Users!!
Automatically check for APT updates on boot.
If anything can be upgraded, asks permission to upgrade.
To run: should run automatically on startup.
To run in a terminal: ~/update-buddy/onstartup.sh
Alacritty Terminal
https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty - theofficialgman for building the debs.
barnumbirr on github for making the debian sources.
ARM32/ARM64 - 3,544 Users!
A fast, cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator
Run from Menu: Menu -> System Tools -> Alacritty
Run from Terminal: alacritty
Cool Retro Term
ARM32/ARM64 - 6,955 Users!
Simulates an old CRT terminal.
Yes, it's a usable pi@raspberrypi terminal emulator.
To run: Menu -> System Tools -> Cool Retro Term
To run in terminal: ~/cool-retro-term/cool-retro-term
Note: This is fully hardware accelerated as long as you have the GPU driver enabled in raspi-config (this is on by default).
Guake Terminal
http://guake-project.org/ - Botspot
ARM32/ARM64 - 2,802 Users!
Guake is a top-down terminal, inspirated by the famous terminal used in Quake.
You can show and hide your terminal with a single key stroke, execute a command, and then go back to your previous task without breaking your workflow.
To run: Press F12. (Guake runs automatically on startup)
To run manually: Menu -> System Tools -> Guake Terminal
To run in a terminal: guake
Microsoft PowerShell
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/install-raspbian?view=powershell-7.2 - Made by Microsoft [ Open Source Code ]
Ported by TurquoiseTNT
ARM32/ARM64 - 4,906 Users!
PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation and configuration tool/framework that works well with your existing tools and is optimized for dealing with structured data (e.g. JSON, CSV, XML, etc.), REST APIs, and object models. It includes a command-line shell, an associated scripting language and a framework for processing cmdlets.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> Microsoft PowerShell
In terminal: pwsh
https://tabby.sh/ - Thanks to:
- Eugeny and all contributors for creating Tabby!
- @Jai-JAP on GitHub for armv7l and aarch64 upstream build support
ARM32/ARM64 - 3,026 Users!
A terminal for a more modern age
Tabby (formerly Terminus) is a highly configurable terminal emulator, SSH and serial client for Windows, macOS and Linux.
Run from Terminal: tabby
Run from Menu: Menu -> Accessories -> Tabby
https://gitlab.com/gazlene/droidbuddy - Made by gazlene#8088 on Discord
Added to pi-apps by Raspberry Pi News and Botspot
ARM32/ARM64 - 14,091 Users!!
A GUI for Android device recovery and maintenance.
- APK Installation: Install an Android application package with ease.
- Screen viewing and interaction: Control your device through an scrcpy window.
- Recover files: Allows you to back up music, downloads, photos or all of your device's files.
- AND MORE! Check out the website for more info.
To run: Menu > Accessories > AndroidBuddy
To run in a temrinal: python3 ~/droidbuddy/main.py
https://antimicrox.github.io/ - Thanks to:
- All contributers for creating AntiMicroX.
- ryanfortner for his information on how to build AntiMicroX.
- Crilum on GitHub for writing the install/uninstall scripts.
ARM32/ARM64 - 5,322 Users!
A graphical program used to map keyboard buttons and mouse controls to a gamepad.
Useful for playing games with no gamepad support.
Run from Menu: Menu -> Accesories -> AntiMicroX
Run from Terminal: antimicrox
https://github.com/ckb-next/ckb-next - @ryanfortner (GitHub)
Package app - 507 Users
ckb-next is an open-source Linux driver for Corsair keyboards and mice.
Features include:
- Customizable key bindings
- Lighting and animation settings
- Adjustable DPI for mice
- and more!
To run: Menu -> Preferences -> ckb-next
To run in a terminal: ckb-next
**DISCLAIMER**: this is NOT an official Corsair product and does not come with a warranty. Also, not all Corsair products are fully supported. Use at your own risk.
https://github.com/ponsato/ducopanel - @ponsato (GitHub) for the program
@ryanfortner (GitHub) for the scripts
ARM64 ONLY - 597 Users
Desktop app to manage Duino-Coin miners and tools.
You can upload the code to any Arduino board, mine with all the boards or with the ones you choose, mine with the PC (choosing the cores you want), and much more.
You can also connect to your official wallet and perform any operation without leaving the application, as well as see the live status of the network and servers.
This development makes everything related to DuinoCoin even easier, based exclusively on the official tools.
ElectronJs has been used for this purpose.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> Ducopanel
To run in a terminal: ducopanel
FF Multi Converter
https://github.com/l-koehler/FF-converter - Thanks to Crilum on GitHub for writing the scripts.
Thanks to ilstad and l-koehler on GitHub and all Contributors for creating FF Converter!
ARM32/ARM64 - 5,277 Users!
Simple file conversions for audio, video, images and documents.
It uses FFmpeg for audio/video files, the ImageMagick software suite for image conversions and unoconv for document files.
The goal of FF Converter is to gather the most popular multimedia types in one application and provide conversion options for them easily through a user-friendly graphical interface.
To run: Menu -> Office -> FF Converter
To run in a terminal: ffconverter
https://flameshot.org/ - Flameshot.org for creating the tool + all github contributors
CleanMachine1 for the install scripts and suggestion
Itai-Nelken for finding the .deb files for installing
Chunky-Milk for hosting the .deb file in their Github
ARM32/ARM64 - 10,861 Users!!
A simple tool to take screenshots of your screen or just parts of the screen. It is similar to Microsoft's Snipping Tool.
To run: Menu -> Graphics -> Flameshot
To use: find the flameshot icon in your taskbar (system tray) and click it to open Flameshot.
To run in a terminal: flameshot
Geekbench 5
ARM32/ARM64 - 7,266 Users!
Geekbench 5 is a cross-platform benchmark that measures your system's performance with the press of a button.
How will your mobile device or desktop computer perform when push comes to crunch?
How will it compare to the newest devices on the market?
Find out today with Geekbench 5.
To run in a terminal: geekbench5
Geekbench 6
ARM64 ONLY - 6,374 Users!
Geekbench 6 is a cross-platform benchmark that measures your system's performance with the press of a button.
How will your mobile device or desktop computer perform when push comes to crunch?
How will it compare to the newest devices on the market?
Find out today with Geekbench 6.
To run in a terminal: geekbench6
Https File Server
ARM32 ONLY - 1,647 Users!
Simple file-sharing webserver. Other computers on your local network can connect to your computer from the web browser and download files you share.
Or, you can enable port forwarding on your router so that anyone on the Internet can download your files.
This app uses Wine to run a windows exe file.
To launch: Menu -> Applications -> HTTPS File Server
https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/raspberry-pi-imager-imaging-utility - Botspot
Package app - 305,402 Users!!
Raspberry Pi's official SD card imaging utility.
This includes many features and customizations you can make to the image before flashing, and is overall very reliable.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> Imager
To run in terminal: rpi-imager
https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc - @ryanfortner (GitHub) for the scripts
@raspbian-addons maintainers for the deb
ARM32/ARM64 - 3,477 Users!
KeePassXC is a modern, secure, and open-source password manager that stores and manages sensitive information.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> KeePassXC
To run in a terminal: keepassxc
Linux Wifi Hotspot
https://github.com/lakinduakash/linux-wifi-hotspot - Thanks to:
- @lakinduakash on GitHub (as well as all contributors) for creating this app
- @Crilum on GitHub for adding this app to Pi-Apps
ARM32/ARM64 - 7,515 Users!
A feature-rich wifi hotspot creator for Linux which provides both GUI and command-line interface.
Run GUI from Menu: Menu -> System Tools -> Wifi Hotspot
Run GUI from Terminal: wihotspot
Run CLI from Terminal: create_ap
- Share your wifi like in Windows - Use wifi and enable hotspot at the same time.
- Share a wifi access point from any network interface
- Share wifi via QR code
- MAC filter
- View connected devices
- Includes both CLI and GUI.
- Supports both 2.4GHz and 5GHz - You can be connected to a 5GHz network and have your hotspot on a 2.4GHz network.
- Customise wifi channel, Change MAC address, etc.
- Hide SSID
- Customize gateway IP address
- Enable IEEE 80211n, IEEE 80211ac modes
Note: Running Linux Wifi Hotspot from the Menu will turn on your Wifi, becuause trying to start a Hotspot with your Wifi off won't work.
Monero GUI
https://getmonero.org - Botspot
ARM32/ARM64 - 407 Users
Store Monero cryptocurrency with the official wallet software.
Monero is a privacy currency, allowing easy money transfers to others without oppresive governments, hackers, or foreign adversaries knowing how much you sent or to whom.
The Monero wallet software allows you to store your currency securely. Usually this requires downloading the whole blockchain (over 400GB for Bitcoin), but Monero wallet has "simple mode" which avoids taking up your disk space.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Monero GUI
To run in a terminal: monero-wallet-gui
To run the CLI version in a terminal: monero-wallet-cli
More RAM
https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=327238 - Botspot
ARM32/ARM64 - 45,056 Users!!
Of course Pi-Apps lets you download more RAM!
Have you ever been using your Raspberry Pi when the screen froze? Most likely, your system ran out of RAM.
On default Raspbian, freezes happen easily and suddenly. When the RAM fills up, the entire system becomes unresponsive. Many people think the only solution is to buy a Pi with more RAM, but THAT'S NOT TRUE and this app proves it.
This app uses ZRAM to increase the capacity of your RAM. ZRAM is a kernel module to compress data on-the-fly and store it in RAM. It has all sorts of uses, but it can be an extremely performant Swap drive with the right tweaks.
Some types of data compress better than others. On average, the ZSTD algorithm reaches a 3:1 compression-ratio, but in some cases it can approach 5:1! When used as Swap, this means that theoretically, one RAM chip can store 5 times as much memory! While real-world loads are unlikely to be compressible that much, the results are still impressive. In a recent test, Chromium was instructed to open 200 tabs. (mostly youtube videos)
When everything finished loading, Chromium had consumed 7GB of RAM. However, this test was performed on a Raspberry Pi 4 with only 4GB of RAM! Without ZRAM, the screen would have frozen within seconds. But with ZRAM, the system was still very responsive.
What does this app do?
- This app will disable the default Swapfile. (By default, RPiOS comes with a pitiful 100MB swapfile that does barely anything) Disabling Swap reduces the number of writes to the SD card, boosting performance while increasing its lifetime.
- This app will setup ZRAM to extend the usable RAM, when necessary. How much ZRAM? It's calculated based on a 4:1 ratio of your devices available RAM. On a 1GB Pi, there will be 4GB of ZRAM; on a 4GB Pi there will be 16GB of ZRAM. Remember: this relies on compressing data, so some situations may not be able to reach the full 4:1 compression-ratio.
- This app will adjust a few kernel paremeters to optimize RAM usage.
- Remember how ZRAM can be used for other things too? This app will also set up some high speed data storage using ZRAM. It's perfect for managing large files temporarily, without filling up your SD card. This is similar to a RAMdisk, but it doesn't use the RAM as quickly. You can access this storage by going to the new /zram folder.
Of course, uninstalling this app will revert everything back to how it was.
How do I know if it's working? There are a few ways to check.
- You can run the htop command to see RAM and Swap usage. Htop will refresh itself every second, just like the Task Manager.
- You can install Conky from Pi-Apps. This will display the RAM and Swap usage on the desktop. Conky refreshes twice every second.
- To see more detailed ZRAM information and statistics, run the zramctl command.
What about Novaspirit Tech's popular ZRAM tutorial from a few years ago? Is this app better? Yes. First, Novaspirit created four swapdisks, while only one is necessary. Also, he used LZ4 compression, while this app uses the new ZSTD compression algorithm. (ZSTD is slightly slower than LZ4, but its compression ratio is far better) Also, he didn't tweak any kernel parameters, severaly limiting ZRAM's effectiveness.
Overall, this app is designed to get the most out of ZRAM. Even if your Pi never uses all available RAM, installing this app will unlock more space for file-caching, thereby improving performance while reducing writes to the SD card.
https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Files - Botspot
Package app - 49,813 Users!!
Feature-rich file manager for the GNOME desktop
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> Nautilus
To run in terminal: nautilus
https://github.com/linuxmint/nemo - open-sorcerer64
Package app - 9,358 Users!
File manager and graphical shell for Cinnamon, also works well on other desktop environments.
Nemo is the official file manager for the Cinnamon desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files, and launch applications associated with them.
It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems. Several icon themes and components for viewing different kinds of files are available in separate packages.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> Files
To run in terminal: nemo
https://nodesource.com/ - Script by ilobilo
Script improved by Itai-Nelken
ARM32/ARM64 - 9,719 Users!
JavaScript code outside a web browser.
Node.js is used for all npm packages and is the foundation of Electron.
As usual, this app will keep it updated to the latest LTS release.
To run in a terminal: node
https://peazip.github.io - @ryanfortner (GitHub)
ARM64 ONLY - 4,977 Users!
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, Brotli, FreeArc, PAQ, Zstandard, and PEA projects.
Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, open and extract 200+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BR, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP, ZIPX, ZST - view full list of supported archive file formats for archiving and for extraction.
To run: PeaZip
To run in a terminal: flatpak run --file-forwarding io.github.peazip.PeaZip
Pi-Apps Terminal Plugin (bash)
https://github.com/Itai-Nelken/PiApps-terminal_bash-edition - Created and added to pi-apps by Itai-Nelken
ARM32/ARM64 - 4,369 Users!
Pi-apps terminal is a script that lets you use pi-apps from the terminal, its written in bash.
It has all the commands you will ever need:
'install' - install a app available in pi-apps.
'remove' - uninstall a app installed by pi-apps (uninstall also works).
'multi-install' - install multiple apps.
'multi-remove' - uninstall multiple apps (multi-uninstall also works).
'list-all' - list all the apps in pi-apps (note that this will also list apps that are not available for your OS).
'list-installed' - list all the apps installed by pi-apps.
'list-uninstalled' - list all the uninstalled apps.
'list-corrupted' - list all the corrupted apps.
'search' - usage: search "search-term". search a app available in pi-apps (note that this will show results from the description of the 'apps as well as their name).
'website' - usage: website "app-name". print the website of a app available in pi-apps.
'update' - update all pi-apps components.
'update-apps' - update all pi-apps apps only.
'gui' - launch pi-apps regularly.
and it makes life easier by eliminating the use of quotes for apps with a space in their name (unless you are using 'multi-install' or 'multi-uninstall').
ARM32/ARM64 - 14,934 Users!!
A system configuration tool inspired by openSUSE's YaST but with the user-friendliness of Linux Mint. PiGro equips Raspberry Pi OS with graphical interfaces for tasks that would otherwise require the terminal. It is also optimized for Ubuntu, Ubuntu Mate, and MX Linux.
- System Monitor
- Easy access to system areas with elevated privileges
- Powerful update tools
- Desktop Environment (DE) Theme Changer
- Autostart Tool
- Software Center for APT, Pi-Apps & Flatpak
- Tuning & Overclocking section
To run: Menu -> System Tools -> PiGro
To run in a terminal: pigro-jci
ARM32/ARM64 - 6,221 Users!
Create compressed image files. Flash SD cards from a disk image. Many file types supported.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> PiSafe
To run in a terminal: pisafe
QR Code Reader
https://github.com/hongquan/CoBang - Botspot
ARM64 ONLY - 410 Users
CoBang app - simple lightweight QR code and barcode scanner, uses the webcam.
Not sure if this is compatible with the Raspberry Pi Cameras, but it should work with those if you set one up as a normal video output device.
It also supports importing a picture of a QR code.
To run: Menu -> Graphics -> CoBang
To run in a terminal: flatpak run vn.hoabinh.quan.CoBang
Quick tip: In testing, it seems that the scanned URL is displayed below the bottom edge of the window. It is still there, but you cannot see it. And the scrollbar is one of those auto-hiding ones. To see the URL, you just need to scroll down, or increase the height of the program window.
ARM32/ARM64 - 17,441 Users!!
Connect and control your Android smartphone.
This is similar to a remote desktop, where you can view the device's screen and navigate it normally.
To run: Menu -> System Tools -> Scrcpy
To run in a terminal: scrcpy
- For more info, run "scrcpy --help"
- The Android device requires at least API 21 (Android 5.0).
- Make sure you enabled ADB debugging on your device.
- The device needs to be connected to the same local network, or via USB.
- On some devices, you also need to enable an additional option to control it using keyboard and mouse.
- If you have issues, try to run the app a couple of times through Terminal.
https://apps.gnome.org/app/org.gnome.Screenshot - Botspot
Package app - 37,484 Users!!
Simple interface for capturing screenshots, similar to the Windows Snipping Tool.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> Screenshot
To run in terminal: gnome-screenshot
Snap Store
https://snapcraft.io/store - Installation script and made by RPICoder
ARM32/ARM64 - 31,549 Users!!
Snaps are app packages for desktop, cloud and IoT that are easy to install, secure, cross‐platform and dependency‐free.
This makes it easy to find and install Snaps.
Beware that Snap packages can be slow and buggy, especially on Raspberry Pi computers. Many would advise finding non-Snap ways to install apps you use often.
To run: Menu -> Preferences -> Snap Store
To run in a terminal: snap-store
https://github.com/RobinLinus/snapdrop - theofficialgman
ARM32/ARM64 - 7,797 Users!
Share files with nearby devices on the local network. Inspired by Apple's Airdrop.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> Snapdrop
To use: Open a web browser on the other computer/smartphone and go to snapdrop.net
Now drag and drop files to the website, and the other device will see the files and download them.
https://github.com/debrouxl/tilp_and_gfm - @ryanfortner (GitHub)
Package app - 1,188 Users
TiLP is a linking program for Texas Instruments graphing calculators. It can transfer apps, programs, and more to a calculator.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> TILP
To run in a terminal: tilp
https://dbrgn.github.io/tealdeer - the main developer - dbrgn (Danilo Bargen)
ARM32/ARM64 - 3,820 Users!
The tldr project is a collection of community-maintained help pages for command-line tools, that aims to be a simpler, more approachable complement to traditional man pages.
Run it by typing "tldr <command>" into terminal.
Maybe you are new to the command-line world? Or just a little rusty? Or perhaps you can't always remember the arguments to lsof, or tar?
It also is more digestable than man pages which blasts pages of useless stuff at you every time you use it.
ARM32/ARM64 - 12,759 Users!!
A very minimal GUI app that can write compressed disk images to USB drives.
USBImager is a very useful and minimal app that works like etcher and Raspberry Pi imager but needs less resources, (it's less then 400kb).
To run from terminal, type: usbimager.
https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Documentation.html - nielsbaloe on Github suggested this be added.
Botspot added it.
ARM32/ARM64 - 6,312 Users!
Open source disk encryption software
- Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk.
- Encrypts an entire partition or storage device such as USB flash drive or hard drive.
- Encrypts a partition or drive where Windows is installed (pre-boot authentication).
- Encryption is automatic, real-time(on-the-fly) and transparent.
- Parallelization and pipelining allow data to be read and written as fast as if the drive was not encrypted.
- Encryption can be hardware-accelerated on modern processors.
- Provides plausible deniability, in case an adversary forces you to reveal the password: Hidden volume (steganography) and hidden operating system.
- More information about the features of VeraCrypt may be found in the documentation.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> VeraCrypt
To run in a terminal: veracrypt
VMware Horizon Client
ARM32 ONLY - 727 Users
VMware Horizon Client allows your end users to connect to their VMware Horizon View VM from a device of choice.
The Horizon Client app communicates with the View Connection Server, which acts as a broker between the client device and View desktops. Users enter credentials into Horizon Client and the View Connection Server authenticates them and then finds their virtual desktops.
IT administrators can also use Horizon Client and the View Connection Server to deliver Microsoft Remote Desktop Session Host (RDSH) desktops and applications from an RDSH farm or to deliver VMware ThinApp applications within Horizon View.
To run: Menu -> Internet -> VMware Horizon Client
To run in a terminal: vmware-view
Windows Flasher
https://github.com/Botspot/wor-flasher - Botspot
ARM32/ARM64 - 33,801 Users!!
Install Windows 10 or Windows 11 on a Raspberry Pi SD card.
This tool is a 100% legal way to use any Debian or Ubuntu Linux operating system to flash a RPi's SD card with the necessary files to run Windows 10 or 11.
Usage is simple:
- Choose an operating system version. (Windows 11, Windows 10, Custom version)
- Choose what model Pi will be running Windows. (RPi4 or RPi3)
- Choose a language.
- Choose a storage drive to flash.
- Click Flash.
It's as simple as that. WoR-flasher takes care of the rest - downloading hundreds of files from Microsoft, generating a Windows image with them, importing the custom RPi drivers, enabling the WinPE environment, and much more. When finished, WoR-flasher will tell you exactly what to do next.
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> WoR-Flasher
To run the graphical interface in a terminal: ~/wor-flasher/install-wor-gui.sh
To run the command-line interface in a terminal: ~/wor-flasher/install-wor.sh
If you encounter problems, we recommend you run WoR-flasher in a terminal to catch any errors.
https://docs.xfce.org/apps/xfburn/start - @Rak1ta (GitHub)
Package app - 26,711 Users!!
Xfburn is a tool to help burning CDs and DVDs. It fits well in the Xfce Desktop Environment but can be used anywhere.
To run: Menu -> Multimedia -> Xfburn
To run in terminal: xfburn
https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig - Thanks to
- Everyone who has contributed to XMRig!
- Crilum on Github for writing install/uninstall scripts!
- @GYKgamer on Github for suggesting this!
ARM32/ARM64 - 1,597 Users!
Advanced cryptocurrency miner - for Monero and beyond
Supports RandomX, KawPow, CryptoNight, AstroBWT and GhostRider algorithms.
See the website for more information.
If you need an XMR wallet, go to https://wallet.mymonero.com/, create a wallet, and save the mnumonic somewhere safe. You will need the Wallet Address for Mining.
To run in a terminal: xmrig
This is assuming you set up the config file. Otherwise, you can add flags like this:
xmrig -o gulf.moneroocean.stream:10032 -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS
If you use the MoneroOcean pool, you can view the miner's performance by visiting https://moneroocean.stream
This is not a Bitcoin miner! Most XMRig users mine Monero - a cryptocurrency with exceptional privacy, security, and decentralization measures.
Monero is probably the best currency for PC mining, as its mining algorithm is specifically designed to thwart specialized mining equipment.
https://github.com/ptitSeb/box64 - ptitseb for creating box64
debs made by Pi-Apps-Coders development team
ARM64 ONLY - 51,222 Users!!
Easily emulate x86_64 linux apps on ARM64.
Box64 lets you run x86_64 Linux programs (such as games) on non-x86_64 Linux systems, like ARM (host system needs to be 64bit little-endian).
Because Box64 uses the native versions of some "system" libraries, like libc, libm, SDL, OpenGL, and Vulkan, it's easy to integrate and use with most applications, and performance can be surprisingly high in many cases.
Box86/Box64 Game compatibility list: https://box86.org/app/
To run in a terminal: box64
https://github.com/ptitSeb/box86 - ptitseb for creating box64
debs made by Pi-Apps-Coders development team
ARM32/ARM64 - 92,660 Users!!
Easily emulate x86 linux apps on ARM32.
Box86 lets you run x86 Linux programs (such as games) on non-x86 Linux, like ARM (host system needs to be 32bit little-endian).
Because Box86 uses the native versions of some "system" libraries, like libc, libm, SDL, OpenGL, and Vulkan, it's easy to integrate and use, and performance can be surprisingly high in some cases.
Box86/Box64 Game compatibility list: https://box86.org/app/
To run in a terminal: box86
https://www.qemu.org/ - Added to Pi-Apps by Itai-Nelken
debs compiled and packaged using QEMU2DEB (tool by Itai-Nelken) by ryanfortner.
ARM32/ARM64 - 11,151 Users!!
QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer.
QEMU 6.1 for Buster, system QEMU for other distros (Bullseye is currently using 7.0).
To see all QEMU commands you can run: open a terminal, type 'qemu', and press the Tab key a couple times.
Wine (x64)
https://www.winehq.org/ - Wine Developers: https://wiki.winehq.org/Who's_Who
Box64 Developer: @ptitSeb on GitHub
Script Writer and Packager: @theofficialgman and other pi-apps contributors on GitHub
ARM64 ONLY - 19,775 Users!!
Run x86 and x64 Windows apps with a box64-emulated version x86/x64 wine-9.13 (WOW64 mode enabled).
To run: wine path/to/file.exe
To configure wine: go to 'Wine configuration' in main menu or type in terminal: wine winecfg
Not all Windows applications will work under Wine. It's a good idea to check online if your program can run, or if something can be tweaked to make it work.
Note: x86 32bit applications use the new Wine WOW64 mode. The WOW64 mode allows for running x86 Windows applications on x86_64 without any x86 Linux userspace.
Note: This mode is experimental in Wine and Box64 support for x86 code still need some work. However, many applications already work.
Note: the applications installed with wine will appear under the wine category in the main menu, and they will stay there even after uninstalling wine.
Need support with running a game or app with wine and box64? Ask it on the Pi Labs Discord: https://discord.gg/JKNQXprqUd
Box86/Box64 Game compatibility list: https://box86.org/app/
Wine (x86)
https://www.winehq.org/ - Wine Developers: https://wiki.winehq.org/Who's_Who
Box86 Developer: @ptitSeb on GitHub
Script Writer and Packager: @theofficialgman and other pi-apps contributors on GitHub
ARM32 ONLY - 49,280 Users!!
Run x86 Windows apps with a box86-emulated version of x86 wine-9.13.
To run: wine path/to/file.exe
To configure wine: go to 'Wine configuration' in main menu or type in terminal: wine winecfg
Not all Windows applications will work under Wine. It's a good idea to check online if your program can run, or if something can be tweaked to make it work.
Note: the applications installed with wine will appear under the wine category in the main menu, and they will stay there even after uninstalling wine.
Need support with running a game or app with wine and box86? Ask it on the Pi Labs Discord: https://discord.gg/JKNQXprqUd
Box86/Box64 Game compatibility list: https://box86.org/app/