Monero GUI on
Nvidia Jetson
Monero GUI
Store Monero cryptocurrency with the official wallet software.
Monero is a privacy currency, allowing easy money transfers to others without oppresive governments, hackers, or foreign adversaries knowing how much you sent or to whom.
The Monero wallet software allows you to store your currency securely. Usually this requires downloading the whole blockchain (over 400GB for Bitcoin), but Monero wallet has "simple mode" which avoids taking up your disk space.To run: Menu -> Internet -> Monero GUI
To run in a terminal: monero-wallet-gui
To run the CLI version in a terminal: monero-wallet-cli
Fortunately, Monero GUI is very easy to install on your Nvidia Jetson in just two steps.
- Install Pi-Apps - the best app installer for Nvidia Jetson.
- Use Pi-Apps to install Monero GUI.
For the best chance of this working, we recommend using the latest version of Nvidia Jetpack for your specific Jetson (Jetson Xavier, or Jetson Orin).
Monero GUI will run on L4T Ubuntu ARM64.
Install Pi-Apps
Pi-Apps is a free tool that makes it incredibly easy to install the most useful programs on your Nvidia Jetson with just a few clicks.
Open a terminal and run this command to install Pi-Apps:
wget -qO- | bash
Feel free to check out the Pi-Apps source code here:
Install Monero GUI
Now that you have Pi-Apps installed, it is time to install Monero GUI.
First launch Pi-Apps from your start menu:
Then click on the Tools category, which leads to the Crypto category.
Now scroll down to find Monero GUI in the list.
Just click Install and Pi-Apps will install Monero GUI for you!
Pi-Apps is a free and open source tool made by Botspot, theofficialgman, and other contributors. Find out more at