Minecraft Java Prism Launcher on Linux ARM Device
Minecraft Java Prism Launcher
Prism Launcher is an Open Source Minecraft launcher with the ability to manage multiple instances, accounts and mods. Focused on user freedom and free redistributability.
Features of the launcher:
- Microsoft, Mojang, and PC GamePass Account support
- Curseforge Modrinth FTB ATLauncher and Technic Mod and Modpack browser and updater
- Automatic Java 8/17/21 installation (when available) and selection
- Fabric, Forge, and Quilt mod loading
- Supports minecraft versions from the old beta/alphas and old snapshots all the way up the latest snapshots
Features NOT in this launcher (but available in others):
NOTE: The use of performance enhancing mods is highly encouraged, such as optifine with Optifabric and Fabric/Forge or Sodium/Lithium/Starlight Fabric Mods.
NOTE: Minecraft 1.17+ officially requires a graphics device capable of OpenGL 3.2+. On devices runnning MESA drivers without 3.2+ (eg: all Raspberry Pi models), this install script will OVERRIDE the reported version to 3.3. This currently allows (at the time of writing) up to 1.19.2 (with or without Sodium/Optifine) to function without issue on Raspberry Pi models but may not work across all non-OpenGL 3.2+ hardware and may not work on newer Minecraft and/or Mod versions. You have been warned.
NOTE: Minecraft 24w14a+ (snapshot of 1.20.5) officially requires Java 21 and a 64bit Operating System. Java 21 is not generally available on 32bit Operating Systems so expect to be unable to play 1.20.5+ on 32bit systems.
To run: Menu -> Games -> Prism Launcher
The Prism Launcher Wiki can be found here:
Optifine alternatives:
If you need help installing Optifine: Prism Launcher officially supports Linux and MacOS ARM through community collaboration.
Fortunately, Minecraft Java Prism Launcher is very easy to install on your Linux ARM Device in just two steps.
- Install Pi-Apps - the best app installer for Linux ARM Device.
- Use Pi-Apps to install Minecraft Java Prism Launcher.
For the best chance of this working, we recommend using the latest LTS of Ubuntu or Debian from your hardware manufacturer.
Minecraft Java Prism Launcher will run on either an Ubuntu/Debian ARM32 OS or ARM64 OS.
Install Pi-Apps
Pi-Apps is a free tool that makes it incredibly easy to install the most useful programs on your Linux ARM Device with just a few clicks.
Open a terminal and run this command to install Pi-Apps:
wget -qO- | bash
Feel free to check out the Pi-Apps source code here:
Install Minecraft Java Prism Launcher
Now that you have Pi-Apps installed, it is time to install Minecraft Java Prism Launcher.
First launch Pi-Apps from your start menu:
Then click on the Games category.
Now scroll down to find Minecraft Java Prism Launcher in the list.
Just click Install and Pi-Apps will install Minecraft Java Prism Launcher for you!
Pi-Apps is a free and open source tool made by Botspot, theofficialgman, and other contributors. Find out more at